Dr. Anand Bihari
Dr. Anand Bihari
Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT University, Vellore
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Cited by
Eigenvector centrality and its application in research professionals' relationship network
A Bihari, MK Pandia
2015 International Conference on Futuristic Trends on Computational Analysis …, 2015
A review on h-index and its alternative indices
A Bihari, S Tripathi, A Deepak
Journal of Information Science 49 (3), 624-665, 2023
Key author analysis in research professionals’ relationship network using citation indices and centrality
A Bihari, MK Pandia
Procedia Computer Science 57, 606-613, 2015
EM-index: a new measure to evaluate the scientific impact of scientists
A Bihari, S Tripathi
Scientometrics 112, 659-677, 2017
A comprehensive study of p53 protein
MR Patil, A Bihari
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 123 (12), 1891-1937, 2022
Important author analysis in research professionals’ relationship network based on social network analysis metrics
MK Pandia, A Bihari
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining-Volume 3: Proceedings of the …, 2015
Protein Classification Using Machine Learning and Statistical Techniques
CLP Gupta, A Bihari, S Tripathi
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications (Formerly: Recent …, 2021
Gene expression analysis using clustering techniques and evaluation indices
A Bihari, S Tripathi, A Deepak
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing and …, 2019
Year based EM-index: a new approach to evaluate the scientific impact of scholars
A Bihari, S Tripathi
Scientometrics 114, 1175-1205, 2018
Key author analysis in research professionals' collaboration network based on mst using centrality measures
A Bihari, S Tripathi, MK Pandia
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and …, 2016
Human Protein Sequence Classification using Machine Learning and Statistical Classification Techniques
CLP Gupta, AnandBihari, SudhakarTripathi
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 8 (02 …, 2019
A new method for key author analysis in research professionals’ collaboration network
A Bihari, S Tripathi
Advanced Computing and Systems for Security: Volume Three, 133-143, 2017
Iterative weighted EM and iterative weighted EM′-index for scientific assessment of scholars
A Bihari, S Tripathi, A Deepak
Scientometrics 126 (7), 5551-5568, 2021
Identification of Hate Speech on Social Media using LSTM
SV Abhijeet Verma, Anshuman Singh, Anand Bihari, Sudhakar Tripathi, Sanjay ...
GMSARN International Journal 17 (4), 468-474, 2023
Cancer Gene Clustering using Computational Model
PJ Shivam Vishwakarma, Satyendra Kumar Bhardwaj, Anand Bihari, Sudhakar ...
GMSARN International Journal 18 (2), 252-257, 2024
Collaboration Network Analysis Based on Normalized Citation Count and Eigenvector Centrality
A Bihari, S Tripathi, A Deepak
International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA) 6 (1), 61-72, 2019
Key researcher analysis in scientific collaboration network using eigenvector centrality
A Bihari, S Tripathi
Recent Findings in Intelligent Computing Techniques: Proceedings of the 5th …, 2019
Key Author Analysis in 1 and 1.5 Degree Egocentric Collaboration Network
A Bihari, S Tripathi
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining: Proceedings of the International …, 2017
Protein Enzyme Sequence Class Prediction using Computational Model
SK Bhardwaj, S Vishwakarma, A Bihari, S Tripathi, S Agrawal, P Joshi
GMSARN International Journal 18 (1), 62-70, 2024
A computational model of current control mechanism for long‐term potentiation (LTP) in human episodic memory based on gene–gene interaction
S Tripathi, RB Mishra, A Bihari, S Agrawal, P Joshi
European Journal of Neuroscience 58 (6), 3569-3590, 2023
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Articles 1–20