Dilip Kumar Saikia
Dilip Kumar Saikia
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Tezpur University
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Cited by
Significance of group delay functions in signal reconstruction from spectral magnitude or phase
B Yegnanarayana, D Saikia, T Krishnan
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 32 (3), 610-623, 1984
An SDN-based intrusion detection system using SVM with selective logging for IP traceback
P Hadem, DK Saikia, S Moulik
Computer Networks 191, 108015, 2021
Enhancing user identity privacy in LTE
H Choudhury, B Roychoudhury, DK Saikia
2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2012
A New Trust Model for Improved Identity Privacy in Cellular Networks
H Choudhruy
International Journal of Computer Applications 975, 8887, 2012
Provably secure group authentication and key agreement for machine type communication using Chebyshev’s polynomial
P Roychoudhury, B Roychoudhury, DK Saikia
Computer Communications 127, 146-157, 2018
A QoS-aware dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme for multi-hop WiFi-based long distance networks
I Hussain, ZI Ahmed, DK Saikia, N Sarma
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2015, 1-18, 2015
An efficient TDMA MAC protocol for multi-hop WiFi-based long distance networks
MI Hussain, ZI Ahmed, N Sarma, DK Saikia
Wireless Personal Communications 86, 1971-1994, 2016
Hierarchical group based mutual authentication and key agreement for machine type communication in LTE and future 5G networks
P Roychoudhury, B Roychoudhury, DK Saikia
Security and Communication Networks 2017 (1), 1701243, 2017
RTT based congestion control and path switching scheme for SCTP
M Dahal, DK Saikia
2006 International Conference on Communication Technology, 1-4, 2006
Embedding torus on the star graph
DK Saikia, R Badrinath, RK Sen
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 9 (7), 650-663, 1998
Privacy preserving integrity checking of shared dynamic cloud data with user revocation
S Thokchom, DK Saikia
Journal of Information Security and Applications 50, 102427, 2020
Two ranking schemes for efficient computation on the star interconnection network
DK Saikia, RK Sen
IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 7 (4), 321-327, 1996
Openhealthq: Openflow based QOS management of healthcare data in a software-defined fog environment
P Bardalai, N Medhi, B Bargayary, DK Saikia
ICC 2021-IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2021
End-to-end user identity confidentiality for umts networks
H Choudhury, B Roychoudhury, DK Saikia
2010 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Information …, 2010
Privacy Preserving and Public Auditable Integrity Checking on Dynamic Cloud Data.
S Thokchom, DK Saikia
Int. J. Netw. Secur. 21 (2), 221-229, 2019
A Comparative Study on Discrete Orthonormal Chebyshev Moments and Legendre Moments for Representation of Printed Characters.
S Saharia, PK Bora, DK Saikia, A Tezpur, IT Assam
ICVGIP 4, 491-496, 2004
Openflow-based scalable routing with hybrid addressing in data center networks
N Medhi, DK Saikia
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (5), 1047-1050, 2017
TDMA MAC protocols for WiFi-based long distance networks: A survey
I Hussain, N Sarma, DK Saikia
International Journal of Computer Applications 94 (19), 1-8, 2014
Umts user identity confidentiality: An end-to-end solution
H Choudhury, B Roychoudhury, DK Saikia
2011 Eighth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications …, 2011
Determining duty cycle and beacon interval with energy efficiency and qos for low traffic ieee 802.15. 4/zigbee wireless sensor networks
D Dutta, A Karmakar, DK Saikia
Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics-Volume 2: Wireless Networks …, 2014
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Articles 1–20