Mashupye Maserumule
Cited by
Cited by
Good governance in the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD): A public administration perspective
MH Maserumule
Framework for strengthening the capacity of municipalities in South Africa: A developmental local government perspective
MH Maserumule
Journal of Public Administration 43 (si-2), 436-451, 2008
Engaged scholarship and Liberatory Science: a professoriate, Mount Grace, and SAAPAM in the decoloniality mix
MH Maserumue
Public Administration 50 (2), 201-223, 2015
Why Africa's professors are afraid of colonial education being dismantled
MH Maserumule
The Conversation Africa, Mail & Guardian, New Age, 2015
Managing human capital in the public sector
DM Mello, Y Penceliah, MH Maserumule, RG Wessels, ZJ Ndevu, ...
Conflicts between Directors-General and Ministers in South Africa 1994–2004: A ‘Postulative’Approach
M Herbet Maserumule
Politikon 34 (2), 147-164, 2007
The Zuma administration: critical challenges
KM Kondlo, MH Maserumule
HSRC Press, 2010
Discourse on the concept of a developmental state in South Africa: A deconstructive approach
MH Maserumule
Journal of Public Administration 47 (1), 180-207, 2012
Intergovernmental relations and integrated development planning (IDP) in South Africa
DM Mello, MH Maserumule
Journal of Public Administration 45 (si-1), 283-294, 2010
Reflections on South Africa as a developmental state
MH Maserumule
Journal of Public Administration 42 (3), 211-219, 2007
Good governance as a sine qua non for sustainable development in the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD): A conceptual perspective
MH Maserumule
Journal of Public Administration 40 (si-1), 194-211, 2005
A critical understanding of good governance and leadership concepts written in the context of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and the challenges to …
MH Maserumule, SBO Gutto
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies 3 (2), 63-101, 2008
Designating technikons universities of technology in South Africa: Implications for public management education
MH Maserumule
African journal of public administration and management 16 (1), 14-27, 2005
Consolidating a developmental state agenda: a governance challenge
MH Maserumule
The Zuma Administration-critical challenges. Cape Town: Human Sciences …, 2010
Epistemic relativism of good governance
MH Maserumule
Journal of Public Administration 49 (4), 963-994, 2014
Rural development under a ‘developmental state’: analysing the policy shift on agrarian transformation in South Africa
G Mayende, K Kondlo, MH Maserumule
The Zuma Administration: critical challenges. Cape Town: Human Sciences …, 2010
Science of Public Administration: Critiquing the past, recognising the present and imagining the future
MH Maserumule, S Vil-Nkomo
Journal of Public Administration 50 (3), 439-465, 2015
Politics of transition in South Africa and the post-1994 democratic state
MH Maserumule
Journal of Asian and African Studies 47 (3), 301-314, 2012
Administering national government
MH Maserumule
Government and politics in South Africa coming of age, 95-128, 2017
Public Administration and Economics: Twin-sciences that[should]go together for rounded knowledge?
MH Maserumule, M Polly
6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business, 2006
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Articles 1–20