Shishir Sinha
Shishir Sinha
IIT Roorkee
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Natural fiber-mediated epoxy composites–a review
V Mittal, R Saini, S Sinha
Composites Part B: Engineering 99, 425-435, 2016
Wood flour–reinforced plastic composites: a review
V Kumar, L Tyagi, S Sinha
Walter de Gruyter 27 (5-6), 253-264, 2011
Banana fiber reinforced low-density polyethylene composites: effect of chemical treatment and compatibilizer addition
N Prasad, VK Agarwal, S Sinha
Iranian Polymer Journal 25, 229-241, 2016
Chemical carbonization of papaya seed originated charcoals for sorption of Pb (II) from aqueous solution
SK Yadav, DK Singh, S Sinha
Journal of environmental chemical engineering 2 (1), 9-19, 2014
Extraction, characterization and thermal degradation kinetics with activation energy of untreated and alkali treated Saccharum spontaneum (Kans grass) fiber
GL Devnani, S Sinha
Composites Part B: Engineering 166, 436-445, 2019
Effect of nanofillers on the properties of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites
GL Devnani, S Sinha
Materials Today: Proceedings 18, 647-654, 2019
Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia: SCA2 is the most frequent mutation in eastern India
KK Sinha, PF Worth, DK Jha, S Sinha, VJ Stinton, MB Davis, NW Wood, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 75 (3), 448-452, 2004
Polymer anchored catalysts for oxidation of styrene using TBHP and molecular oxygen
S Sharma, S Sinha, S Chand
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 51 (26), 8806-8814, 2012
Characterization and thermal kinetic analysis of pineapple leaf fibers and their reinforcement in epoxy
J Jain, S Jain, S Sinha
Journal of Elastomers & Plastics 51 (3), 224-243, 2019
Investigation of the electrocoagulation treatment of cotton blue dye solution using aluminium electrodes
R Ahlawat, VC Srivastava, ID Mall, S Sinha
Clean–Soil, Air, Water 36 (10‐11), 863-869, 2008
Effect of hollow glass microspheres on the morphology, rheology and crystallinity of short bamboo fiber-reinforced hybrid polypropylene composite
R Gogoi, N Kumar, S Mireja, SS Ravindranath, G Manik, S Sinha
Jom 71, 548-558, 2019
Studies on the mechanical properties and thermal behavior of microencapsulated eutectic mixture in gypsum composite board for thermal regulation in the buildings
B Srinivasaraonaik, LP Singh, S Sinha, I Tyagi, A Rawat
Journal of Building Engineering 31, 101400, 2020
Microencapsulation of a eutectic PCM using in situ polymerization technique for thermal energy storage.
LP Singh, I Tyagi, A Rawat, S Sinha
International Journal of Energy Research 44 (5), 2020
Simulation of steam reforming of biogas in an industrial reformer for hydrogen production
K Chouhan, S Sinha, S Kumar, S Kumar
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (53), 26809-26824, 2021
Diesel fuel alternative from vegetable oils
S Sinha, NC Misra
Chemical engineering world 32 (10), 77-80, 1997
Selective hydrogenolysis of glycerol to 1, 2-propanediol over highly active and stable Cu/MgO catalyst in the vapor phase
NN Pandhare, SM Pudi, P Biswas, S Sinha
Organic Process Research & Development 20 (6), 1059-1067, 2016
Dynamic failure assessment of an ammonia storage unit: A case study
A Roy, P Srivastava, S Sinha
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 94, 385-401, 2015
Analysis of CAG and CCG repeats in Huntingtin gene among HD patients and normal populations of India
S Pramanik, P Basu, PK Gangopadhaya, KK Sinha, DK Jha, S Sinha, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 8 (9), 678-682, 2000
Compendious characterization of chemically treated natural fiber from pineapple leaves for reinforcement in polymer composites
J Jain, S Sinha, S Jain
Journal of Natural Fibers 18 (6), 845-856, 2021
Survey on the effects of inbreeding in two populations of Bihar.
NA Ansari, SP Sinha
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Articles 1–20