Prof. Mohanad Halaweh
Prof. Mohanad Halaweh
Professor of Information Systems, Al Ain University, UAE
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Cited by
ChatGPT in education: Strategies for responsible implementation
M Halaweh
Contemporary Educational Technology 15 (2), 2023
Emerging technology: What is it?
M Halaweh
Journal of technology management & innovation 8 (3), 108-115, 2013
Integrating the grounded theory method and case study research methodology within IS research: A possible'road map'
M Halaweh, C Fidler, S McRobb
ICIS 2008 Proceedings, 2008
Conceptual model for successful implementation of big data in organizations
M Halaweh, AE Massry
Journal of International Technology and Information Management 24 (2), 2, 2015
Integration of grounded theory and case study: An exemplary application from e-commerce security perception research
M Halaweh
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA) 13 (1), 3, 2012
Cash on delivery (COD) as an alternative payment method for e-commerce transactions: Analysis and implications
M Halaweh
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD …, 2018
ChatGPT in education: Strategies for responsible implementation. Contemporary Educational Technology, 15 (2), ep421
M Halaweh
Artificial intelligence government (Gov. 3.0): the UAE leading model
M Halaweh
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 62, 269-272, 2018
Security perception in e-commerce: Conflict between customer and organizational perspectives
M Halaweh, C Fidler
2008 International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information …, 2008
Using grounded theory as a method for system requirements analysis
M Halaweh
JISTEM-Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 9, 23-38, 2012
Intention to adopt the cash on delivery (COD) payment model for E-commerce transactions: An empirical study
M Halaweh
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management: 16th IFIP TC8 …, 2017
User interface design and e-commerce security perception: An empirical study
F Kamoun, M Halaweh
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) 8 (2), 15-32, 2012
Adoption of e‐commerce in Jordan: Understanding the security challenge
M Halaweh
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 47 (1 …, 2011
Are Universities Using the Right Assessment Tools During the Pandemic and Crisis Times?
M Halaweh
Higher Learning Research Communications 11, 1, 2021
Using mobile technology in the classroom: A reflection based on teaching experience in UAE
M Halaweh
TechTrends 61 (3), 218-222, 2017
A synergetic model for implementing big data in organizations: An empirical study
M Halaweh, A El Massry
Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ) 30 (1), 48-64, 2017
Adoption of Near Field Communication (NFC) for Mobile Payments in the UAE: A Merchants' Perspective
M Halaweh, H Al Qaisi
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) 12 (4), 38-56, 2016
Model of emerging technology adoption (META): Virtual reality as a case study
M Halaweh
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management 18 (02), 1950020, 2019
Modeling user perceptions of e-commerce security using partial least square
M Halaweh
Journal of Information Technology Management 23 (1), 22-33, 2012
Integrating social media and grounded theory in a research methodology: a possible road map
M Halaweh
Business Information Review 35 (4), 157-164, 2018
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Articles 1–20