Dr. S. Anand Kumar
Dr. S. Anand Kumar
Assistant Professor
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Studies on fatigue life enhancement of pre-fatigued spring steel specimens using laser shock peening
P Ganesh, R Sundar, H Kumar, R Kaul, K Ranganathan, P Hedaoo, ...
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 54, 734-741, 2014
Effect of aspect ratio on dynamic fracture toughness of particulate polymer composite using artificial neural network
A Sharma, SA Kumar, V Kushvaha
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 228, 106907, 2020
Basic principles of additive manufacturing: Different additive manufacturing technologies
SA Kumar, RVS Prasad
Additive manufacturing, 17-35, 2021
Influence of heat treatment on the machinability and corrosion behavior of AZ91 Mg alloy
S Chowdary, R Dumpala, RS Kondaiah, VV, S. Anand Kumar
Journal of magnesium and alloys 6 (1), 52-58, 2018
Influence of Counterbody Material on Fretting Wear Behavior of Surface Mechanical Attrition Treated Ti-6Al-4V
R Anand Kumar, S., Ganesh Sundara Raman, S., Sankara Narayanan, T.S.N. and ...
Tribology International 57, pp 107–114, 2013
Fretting wear behaviour of surface mechanical attrition treated alloy 718
SA Kumar, SGS Raman, TSNS Narayanan, R Gnanamoorthy
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (21), 4425-4432, 2012
Laser shock peening (LSP): Electrochemical and hydrodynamic investigation of corrosion protection pre-treatment for a copper surface in 3.5 % NaCl medium
RCB V.I.Chukwuike, O.G.Echemc, S.Prabhakaran, S.Anand Kumar
Corrosion Science 179 (109156), 2020
Artificial neural network technique to predict dynamic fracture of particulate composite
V Kushvaha, SA Kumar, P Madhushri, A Sharma
Journal of composite Materials 54 (22), 3099-3108, 2020
Residual Stresses induced by Laser Shock Peening in Orthopaedic Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy
X Shen, P Shukla, Anand Kumar S., Ann Zammit, PhilipSwanson, Jonathan ...
Optics and Laser Technology 131 (106446), 2020
A Pragmatic Approach and Quantitative Assessment of Silt Erosion Characteristics of HVOF and HVAF processed WC-CoCr Coatings and 16Cr5Ni steel for Hydro Turbine Applications
AKS Kumar R. K, Kamaraj M, Seetharamu S. R
Materials and Design 132, 79-95, 2017
Remanufacturing of nickel-based aero-engine components using metal additive manufacturing technology
A Shrivastava, S Rao, BK Nagesha, S Barad, TN Suresh
Materials Today: Proceedings 45, 4893-4897, 2021
Fretting Wear Behavior of Laser Peened Ti-6Al-4V
LM Anand Kumar, S., Sundar, R., Ganesh Sundara Raman, S., Kumar, H ...
Tribology Transactions 55, pp 615– 623, 2012
Influence of Laser Peening on Microstructure and Fatigue Lives of Ti-6Al-4V
KS Anand Kumar, S., Sundar, R., Ganesh Sundara Raman, S., Kumar, H ...
Transaction of Nonferrous Materials Society China 24, 3111– 3117, 2014
Reclamation of Titanium alloy based Aerospace parts using Laser Based Metal Deposition Methodology
STN Akshay Pathania, Anand Kumar S, Nagesha B K, Sanjay Barad
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021
Single crystal metal deposition using laser additive manufacturing technology for repair of aero-engine components
STN Anand Kumar S, Raj Kumar V, Nagesha B K, Amit Kumar Tigga, Sanjay Barad
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021
Microstructure, hardness and wear behavior of AZ31 Mg alloy – fly ash composites produced by friction stir processing,
BRS V.V. Kondaiah, P. Pavanteja, P. Afzal Khan, Anand Kumar S, Ravikumar Dumpala
Materials Today: Proceedings 4, 6671–6677, 2017
Dynamic-mechanical properties as a function of luffa fibre content and adhesion in a polyester composite
G Kalusuraman, I Siva, Y Munde, CP Selvan, SA Kumar, SC Amico
Polymer Testing 87, 106538, 2020
Effect of Grain Refinement on Corrosion Rate, Mechanical and Machining Behavior of Friction Stir Processed ZE41 Mg Alloy
IS T. Anup Kumar, B. Ratna Sunil, M. Venkataiah, K. Venkata Rao, Anand Kumar S.
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 72 (1), 123-132, 2018
A thermo–Mechanical modelling approach on the residual stress prediction of SLM processed HPNGV aeroengine part
BK Nagesha, SA Kumar, K Vinodh, A Pathania, S Barad
Materials Today: Proceedings 44, 4990-4996, 2021
Prediction of the fracture toughness of silicafilled epoxy composites using K-nearest neighbor (KNN) method
A Sharma, P Madhushri, V Kushvaha, A Kumar
2020 international conference on computational performance evaluation (ComPE …, 2020
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Articles 1–20