Jagadeesh Pujari
Jagadeesh Pujari
SDM College of Engineering & Technology, Dharwad
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Content based image retrieval using color, texture and shape features
PS Hiremath, J Pujari
15th International conference on advanced computing and communications …, 2007
Image processing based detection of fungal diseases in plants
JD Pujari, R Yakkundimath, AS Byadgi
Procedia Computer Science 46, 1802-1808, 2015
Content Based Image Retrieval based on Color, Texture and Shape features using Image and its complement
PS Hiremath, J Pujari
International Journal of Computer Science and Security 1 (4), 25-35, 2007
SVM and ANN based classification of plant diseases using feature reduction technique
D Pujari, R Yakkundimath, AS Byadgi
IJIMAI 3 (7), 6-14, 2016
Wavelet based features for color texture classification with application to CBIR
PS Hiremath, S Shivashankar, J Pujari
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 6 (9A), 124-133, 2006
Content based image retrieval using color boosted salient points and shape features of an image
PS Hiremath, J Pujari
International Journal of Image Processing 2 (1), 10-17, 2008
Grading and classification of anthracnose fungal disease of fruits based on statistical texture features
JD Pujari, R Yakkundimath, AS Byadgi
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 52 (1), 121-132, 2013
Identification and classification of fungal disease affected on agriculture/horticulture crops using image processing techniques
JD Pujari, R Yakkundimath, AS Byadgi
2014 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2014
Classification of fungal disease symptoms affected on cereals using color texture features
JD Pujari, R Yakkundimath, AS Byadgi
International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern …, 2013
Identification and classification of normal and affected agriculture/horticulture produce based on combined color and texture feature extraction
BS Anami, JD Pujari, R Yakkundimath
International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Sciences 1 (3 …, 2011
Comparison between HSV and YCbCr color model color-texture based classification of the food grains
NK Patil, RM Yadahalli, J Pujari
International Journal of Computer Applications 34 (4), 51-57, 2011
Script identification in a handwritten document image using texture features
PS Hiremath, JD Pujari, S Shivashankar, V Mouneswara
2010 IEEE 2nd International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 110-114, 2010
Hybrid approach for content-based image retrieval using VGG16 layered architecture and SVM: an application of deep learning
P Desai, J Pujari, C Sujatha, A Kamble, A Kambli
SN Computer Science 2 (3), 170, 2021
Automatic fungal disease detection based on wavelet feature extraction and PCA analysis in commercial crops
JD Pujari, R Yakkundimath, AS Byadgi
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 6 (1), 24-31, 2013
Statistical methods for quantitatively detecting fungal disease from fruits’ images
J Pujari, R Yakkundimath, A Byadgi
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering …, 2013
Recognition and classification of produce affected by identically looking powdery mildew disease
JD Pujari, R Yakkundimath, AS Byadgi
Acta Technologica Agriculturae 17 (2), 29-34, 2014
Classification of archaeological monuments for different art forms with an application to CBIR
P Desai, J Pujari, NH Ayachit, VK Prasad
2013 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2013
Content-based image retrieval using color and shape descriptors
J Pujari, SN Pushpalatha, D Padmashree
2010 International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, 239-242, 2010
Face detection system using HSV color model and morphing operations
VS Bhat, DJ Pujari
Proceedings of national conference on women in science & engineering (NCWSE’13), 2013
Identifying abnormalities in the retinal images using svm classifiers
S Giraddi, J Pujari, S Seeri
International Journal of Computer Applications 111 (6), 5-8, 2015
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Articles 1–20