Amarendra Kumar Sarma
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Cited by
Continuous and discrete Schrödinger systems with parity-time-symmetric nonlinearities
AK Sarma, MA Miri, ZH Musslimani, DN Christodoulides
Physical Review E 89 (5), 052918, 2014
Optical solitons and complexitons of the Schrödinger–Hirota equation
A Biswas, AJM Jawad, WN Manrakhan, AK Sarma, KR Khan
Optics & Laser Technology 44 (7), 2265-2269, 2012
Dark optical solitons in power law media with time-dependent coefficients
M Saha, AK Sarma, A Biswas
Physics Letters A 373 (48), 4438-4441, 2009
Optical solitons with non-Kerr law nonlinearity and inter-modal dispersion with time-dependent coefficients
E Topkara, D Milovic, AK Sarma, E Zerrad, A Biswas
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 15 (9), 2320-2330, 2010
Solitary wave solutions and modulation instability analysis of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with higher order dispersion and nonlinear terms
M Saha, AK Sarma
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18 (9), 2420-2425, 2013
Modulation instability in nonlinear metamaterials induced by cubic–quintic nonlinearities and higher order dispersive effects
M Saha, AK Sarma
Optics Communications 291, 321-325, 2013
Unconventional photon blockade in three-mode optomechanics
B Sarma, AK Sarma
Physical Review A 98 (1), 013826, 2018
Plasmon induced transparency effect through alternately coupled resonators in terahertz metamaterial
KM Devi, AK Sarma, DR Chowdhury, G Kumar
Optics express 25 (9), 10484-10493, 2017
Quantum-interference-assisted photon blockade in a cavity via parametric interactions
B Sarma, AK Sarma
Physical Review A 96 (5), 053827, 2017
Entanglement dynamics of two coupled mechanical oscillators in modulated optomechanics
S Chakraborty, AK Sarma
Physical Review A 97 (2), 022336, 2018
Modulational instability of coupled nonlinear field equations for pulse propagation in a negative index material embedded into a Kerr medium
AK Sarma, M Saha
JOSA B 28 (4), 944-948, 2011
Modulation instability in nonlinear complex parity-time symmetric periodic structures
AK Sarma
JOSA B 31 (8), 1861-1866, 2014
A study of optical solitons with Kerr and power law nonlinearities by He’s variational principle
E Topkara, D Milovic, AK Sarma, F Majid, A Biswas
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid publications 4, 09050, 2009
Dark soliton switching in an NLDC in the presence of higher-order perturbative effects
AK Sarma
Optics & Laser Technology 41 (3), 247-250, 2009
Controllable optical bistability in a hybrid optomechanical system
B Sarma, AK Sarma
JOSA B 33 (7), 1335-1340, 2016
Tailoring PT-symmetric soliton switch
A Govindarajan, AK Sarma, M Lakshmanan
Optics letters 44 (3), 663-666, 2019
Delayed sudden death of entanglement at exceptional points
S Chakraborty, AK Sarma
Physical Review A 100 (6), 063846, 2019
Peregrine rogue wave dynamics in the continuous nonlinear Schrödinger system with parity-time symmetric Kerr nonlinearity
SK Gupta, AK Sarma
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 36, 141-147, 2016
Optical solitons with power law nonlinearity and Hamiltonian perturbations: an exact solution
AK Sarma, M Saha, A Biswas
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 31, 1048-1056, 2010
Dual-band electromagnetically induced transparency effect in a concentrically coupled asymmetric terahertz metamaterial
KM Devi, DR Chowdhury, G Kumar, AK Sarma
Journal of Applied Physics 124 (6), 2018
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Articles 1–20