Professor at Indian Institute of Geomagnetism
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Broadband electrostatic noise due to nonlinear electron-acoustic waves
SV Singh, RV Reddy, GS Lakhina
Advances in Space Research 28 (11), 1643-1648, 2001
Electron acoustic solitons in the Earth's magnetotail
SG Tagare, SV Singh, RV Reddy, GS Lakhina
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 11 (2), 215-218, 2004
Generation mechanism for electron acoustic solitary waves
AP Kakad, SV Singh, RV Reddy, GS Lakhina, SG Tagare, F Verheest
Physics of plasmas 14 (5), 2007
Heliospheric plasma sheet (HPS) impingement onto the magnetosphere as a cause of relativistic electron dropouts (REDs) via coherent EMIC wave scattering with possible …
BT Tsurutani, R Hajra, T Tanimori, A Takada, B Remya, AJ Mannucci, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (10), 10,130-10,156, 2016
Electron acoustic solitary waves in the Earth’s magnetotail region
AP Kakad, SV Singh, RV Reddy, GS Lakhina, SG Tagare
Advances in Space Research 43 (12), 1945-1949, 2009
Effect of higher-order nonlinearity on propagation of nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in a collisionless plasma consisting of negative ions
SG Tagare, RV Reddy
Journal of plasma physics 35 (2), 219-237, 1986
Furthering our understanding of electrostatic solitary waves through Cluster multispacecraft observations and theory
JS Pickett, LJ Chen, RL Mutel, IW Christopher, O Santolı, GS Lakhina, ...
Advances in Space Research 41 (10), 1666-1676, 2008
Ion acoustic double layers and solitons in auroral plasma
RV Reddy, GS Lakhina
Planetary and space science 39 (10), 1343-1350, 1991
Cholesterol in eggs from different species of poultry determined by capillary GLC
DV Maurice, SF Lightsey, KT Hsu, TG Gaylord, RV Reddy
Food Chemistry 50 (4), 367-372, 1994
Effect of ionic temperature on ion-acoustic solitons in a two-ion warm plasma consisting of negative ions and non-isothermal electrons
SG Tagare, RV Reddy
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 29 (5), 671, 1987
Ion temperature anisotropy instabilities in planetary magnetosheaths
B Remya, RV Reddy, BT Tsurutani, GS Lakhina, E Echer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (2), 785-793, 2013
Ion-acoustic double layers and solitons in multispecies auroral beam-plasmas
RV Reddy, GS Lakhina, F Verheest
Planetary and space science 40 (8), 1055-1062, 1992
Electromagnetic cyclotron waves in the dayside subsolar outer magnetosphere generated by enhanced solar wind pressure: EMIC wave coherency
B Remya, BT Tsurutani, RV Reddy, GS Lakhina, R Hajra
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (9), 7536-7551, 2015
Arbitrary amplitude dust-acoustic double layers in a non-thermal plasma
SK Maharaj, SR Pillay, R Bharuthram, RV Reddy, SV Singh, GS Lakhina
Journal of plasma physics 72 (1), 43-58, 2006
Spiky parallel electrostatic ion cyclotron and ion acoustic waves
RV Reddy, GS Lakhina, N Singh, R Bharuthram
Nonlinear processes in geophysics 9 (1), 25-29, 2002
Alfvén modes in dusty cometary and planetary plasmas
RV Reddy, GS Lakhina, F Verheest, P Meuris
Planetary and space science 44 (2), 129-135, 1996
The first record of active methane (cold) seep ecosystem associated with shallow methane hydrate from the Indian EEZ
A Mazumdar, P Dewangan, A Peketi, S Gullapalli, MS Kalpana, GP Naik, ...
Journal of Earth System Science 128, 1-8, 2019
Large-amplitude, circularly polarized, compressive, obliquely propagating electromagnetic proton cyclotron waves throughout the Earth's magnetosheath: low plasma β conditions
B Remya, BT Tsurutani, RV Reddy, GS Lakhina, BJ Falkowski, E Echer, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 793 (1), 6, 2014
A new meso–meso directly-linked corrole–porphyrin–corrole hybrid: Synthesis and photophysical properties
M Murugavel, RVR Reddy, J Sankar
RSC Advances 4 (26), 13669-13672, 2014
Zwitterionic BODIPYs with large stokes shift: Small molecular biomarkers for live cells
AR Sekhar, SK Sariki, RVR Reddy, A Bisai, PK Sahu, RS Tomar, J Sankar
Chemical Communications 53 (6), 1096-1099, 2017
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