Vignesh Muralidharan
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Cited by
Temporal cascade of frontal, motor and muscle processes underlying human action-stopping
S Jana, R Hannah, V Muralidharan, AR Aron
Elife 9, e50371, 2020
Temporally-precise disruption of prefrontal cortex informed by the timing of beta bursts impairs human action-stopping
R Hannah, V Muralidharan, KK Sundby, AR Aron
Neuroimage 222, 117222, 2020
A computational model of altered gait patterns in parkinson's disease patients negotiating narrow doorways
V Muralidharan, PP Balasubramani, VS Chakravarthy, SJG Lewis, ...
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 7, 190, 2014
Preparing to stop action increases beta band power in contralateral sensorimotor cortex
V Muralidharan, X Yu, MX Cohen, AR Aron
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 31 (5), 657-668, 2019
A neurocomputational model of the effect of cognitive load on freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease
V Muralidharan, PP Balasubramani, VS Chakravarthy, M Gilat, SJG Lewis, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10, 649, 2017
Behavioral induction of a high beta state in sensorimotor cortex leads to movement slowing
V Muralidharan, AR Aron
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 33 (7), 1311-1328, 2021
Transient beta modulates decision thresholds during human action-stopping
V Muralidharan, AR Aron, R Schmidt
Neuroimage 254, 119145, 2022
An oscillatory neural autoencoder based on frequency modulation and multiplexing
K Soman, V Muralidharan, VS Chakravarthy
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 12, 52, 2018
A unified hierarchical oscillatory network model of head direction cells, spatially periodic cells, and place cells
K Soman, V Muralidharan, VS Chakravarthy
European Journal of Neuroscience 47 (10), 1266-1281, 2018
A cortico-basal ganglia model to understand the neural dynamics of targeted reaching in normal and Parkinson’s conditions
VS Chakravarthy, AA Moustafa, V Muralidharan, A Mandali, ...
Computational neuroscience models of the basal ganglia, 167-195, 2018
A biologically plausible architecture of the striatum to solve context-dependent reinforcement learning tasks
S Shivkumar, V Muralidharan, VS Chakravarthy
Frontiers in neural circuits 11, 45, 2017
Motor cortex oscillates at its intrinsic post-movement beta rhythm following real (but not sham) single pulse, rhythmic and arrhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation
R Hannah, V Muralidharan, AR Aron
Neuroimage 251, 118975, 2022
A model of multisensory integration and its influence on hippocampal spatial cell responses
K Soman, V Muralidharan, VS Chakravarthy
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 10 (3), 637-646, 2017
Failing to attend versus failing to stop: Single-trial decomposition of action-stopping in the stop signal task
R Hannah, V Muralidharan, AR Aron
Behavior research methods 55 (8), 4099-4117, 2023
Two modes of midfrontal theta suggest a role in conflict and error processing
V Muralidharan, AR Aron, MX Cohen, R Schmidt
NeuroImage 273, 120107, 2023
A Cortico-Basal Ganglia Model for choosing an optimal rehabilitation strategy in Hemiparetic Stroke
R Narayanamurthy, S Jayakumar, S Elango, V Muralidharan, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 13472, 2019
Transient oscillations as computations for cognition: Analysis, modeling and function
R Schmidt, J Rose, V Muralidharan
Current opinion in neurobiology 83, 102796, 2023
Does action-stopping involve separate pause and cancel processes? A view from premotor cortex
R Hannah, S Jana, V Muralidharan
Cortex 152, 157-159, 2022
Modeling the effect of environmental geometries on grid cell representations
S Jayakumar, R Narayanamurthy, R Ramesh, K Soman, V Muralidharan, ...
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 12, 120, 2019
Temporal cascade of frontal, motor and muscle processes underlying human action-stopping. bioRxiv. 700088
S Jana, R Hannah, V Muralidharan, AR Aron
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Articles 1–20