Zsuzsanna Sükösd Etches
Zsuzsanna Sükösd Etches
Lead Bioinformatics Scientist at pipe | bio
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Cited by
Evaluating the accuracy of SHAPE-directed RNA secondary structure predictions
Z Sükösd, MS Swenson, J Kjems, CE Heitsch
Nucleic acids research 41 (5), 2807-2816, 2013
PPfold 3.0: fast RNA secondary structure prediction using phylogeny and auxiliary data
Z Sükösd, B Knudsen, J Kjems, CNS Pedersen
Bioinformatics 28 (20), 2691-2692, 2012
Multithreaded comparative RNA secondary structure prediction using stochastic context-free grammars
Z Sükösd, B Knudsen, M Vĉrum, J Kjems, ES Andersen
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-8, 2011
GTfold: Enabling parallel RNA secondary structure prediction on multi-core desktops
MS Swenson, J Anderson, A Ash, P Gaurav, Z Sukosd, DA Bader, ...
BMC Research Notes 5 (1), 341, 2012
Full-length RNA structure prediction of the HIV-1 genome reveals a conserved core domain
Z Sükösd, ES Andersen, SE Seemann, MK Jensen, M Hansen, ...
Nucleic acids research 43 (21), 10168-10179, 2015
Reconstruction of single-grain orientation distribution functions for crystalline materials
PC Hansen, HO Sĝrensen, Z Sükösd, HF Poulsen
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 2 (2), 593-613, 2009
StatAlign 2.0: combining statistical alignment with RNA secondary structure prediction
P Arunapuram, I Edvardsson, M Golden, JWJ Anderson, A Novak, ...
Bioinformatics 29 (5), 654-655, 2013
Quantifying variances in comparative RNA secondary structure prediction
JWJ Anderson, Á Novák, Z Sükösd, M Golden, P Arunapuram, ...
BMC bioinformatics 14, 1-13, 2013
Characterising RNA secondary structure space using information entropy
Z Sükösd, B Knudsen, JWJ Anderson, Á Novák, J Kjems, CNS Pedersen
BMC bioinformatics 14, 1-9, 2013
SCFGs in RNA Secondary Structure Prediction: A Hands-on Approach
Z Sükösd, ES Andersen, R Lyngsĝ
RNA Sequence, Structure, and Function: Computational and Bioinformatic …, 2014
3D spatial distribution of nuclei in 90% cold rolled aluminium
Z Sükösd, K Hannesson, GL Wu, D Juul Jensen
Materials Science Forum 558, 345-350, 2007
Technical Report: An n-free-passes CYK algorithm for error-correction and the prediction of non-canonical base-pairs in RNA secondary structure
JWJ Anderson, Z Sükösd, CNS Pedersen, J Hein
Viral RNA secondary structure prediction
Z Sükösd
RNA and StatAlign
P Arunapuram, I Edvardson, M Golden, J Anderson, A Novák, Z Sükösd
Incorporating RNA secondary structure prediction into StatAlign
J Anderson, A Novák, Z Sükösd
RNA, SCFGs and Classifiers
Z Sükösd, P Tataru
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Articles 1–16