R Srinivas
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Cited by
An evidence based integrated watershed modelling system to assess the impact of non-point source pollution in the riverine ecosystem
R Srinivas, AP Singh, K Dhadse, C Garg
Journal of cleaner production 246, 118963, 2020
Groundwater quality assessment in some selected area of Rajasthan, India using fuzzy multi-criteria decision making tool
R Srinivas, P Bhakar, AP Singh
Aquatic Procedia 4, 1023-1030, 2015
Sustainable management of a river basin by integrating an improved fuzzy based hybridized SWOT model and geo-statistical weighted thematic overlay analysis
R Srinivas, AP Singh, K Dhadse, C Garg, A Deshmukh
Journal of Hydrology 563, 92-105, 2018
A scenario based impact assessment of trace metals on ecosystem of river Ganges using multivariate analysis coupled with fuzzy decision-making approach
R Srinivas, AP Singh, R Sharma
Water Resources Management 31, 4165-4185, 2017
Evaluating watershed-based optimized decision support framework for conservation practice placement in Plum Creek Minnesota
R Srinivas, M Drewitz, J Magner
Journal of Hydrology 583, 124573, 2020
Impact assessment of industrial wastewater discharge in a river basin using interval-valued fuzzy group decision-making and spatial approach
R Srinivas, AP Singh
Environment, development and sustainability 20, 2373-2397, 2018
Understanding the threats and challenges concerning Ganges River basin for effective policy recommendations towards sustainable development
R Srinivas, AP Singh, D Shankar
Environment, Development and Sustainability 22, 3655-3690, 2020
Smart water conservation through a machine learning and blockchain-enabled decentralized edge computing network
T Thakur, A Mehra, V Hassija, V Chamola, R Srinivas, KK Gupta, ...
Applied Soft Computing 106, 107274, 2021
An integrated fuzzy-based advanced eutrophication simulation model to develop the best management scenarios for a river basin
R Srinivas, AP Singh
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 9012-9039, 2018
Water quality assessment of a river basin under fuzzy multi-criteria framework
AP Singh, R Srinivas, S Kumar, S Chakrabarti
International Journal of Water 9 (3), 226-247, 2015
Bioinspired modeling and biogeography-based optimization of electrocoagulation parameters for enhanced heavy metal removal
A Jain, S Rai, R Srinivas, RI Al-Raoush
Journal of Cleaner Production 338, 130622, 2022
Bio-inspired and artificial intelligence enabled hydro-economic model for diversified agricultural management
G Sajith, R Srinivas, A Golberg, J Magner
Agricultural Water Management 269, 107638, 2022
Detecting SARS-CoV-2 RNA prone clusters in a municipal wastewater network using fuzzy-Bayesian optimization model to facilitate wastewater-based epidemiology
S Rallapalli, S Aggarwal, AP Singh
Science of the Total Environment 778, 146294, 2021
Development of a comprehensive fuzzy based approach for evaluating sustainability and self-purifying capacity of river Ganges
R Srinivas, AP Singh
ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 24 (2), 131-139, 2018
Holistic approach for quantification and identification of pollutant sources of a river basin by analyzing the open drains using an advanced multivariate clustering
R Srinivas, AP Singh, AA Gupta, P Kumar
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190 (12), 720, 2018
Development of a HEC-HMS-based watershed modeling system for identification, allocation, and optimization of reservoirs in a river basin
R Srinivas, AP Singh, A Deshmukh
Environmental monitoring and assessment 190, 1-18, 2018
Using fuzzy logic-based hybrid modeling to guide riparian best management practices selection in tributaries of the Minnesota River Basin
S Rai, R Srinivas, J Magner
Journal of Hydrology 608, 127628, 2022
Compounding effects of urbanization, climate change and sea-level rise on monetary projections of flood damage
IPGS Pariartha, S Aggarwal, S Rallapalli, P Egodawatta, J McGree, ...
Journal of Hydrology 620, 129535, 2023
Hydro-conditioning: Advanced approaches for cost-effective water quality management in agricultural watersheds
S Rallapalli, M Drewitz, J Magner, AP Singh, A Goonetilleke
Water Research 220, 118647, 2022
Hydroclimatic river discharge and seasonal trends assessment model using an advanced spatio-temporal model
R Srinivas, AP Singh, K Dhadse, J Magner
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 34, 381-396, 2020
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Articles 1–20