Anjana Kothari
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Cited by
Dielectric behaviour of strontium tartrate single crystals
SK Arora, V Patel, B Amin, A Kothari
Bulletin of Materials Science 27, 141-147, 2004
Photoconducting nanocrystalline lead sulphide thin films obtained by chemical bath deposition
NB Kotadiya, AJ Kothari, D Tiwari, TK Chaudhuri
Applied Physics A 108, 819-824, 2012
Gel growth and preliminary characterization of strontium tartrate trihydrate
SK Arora, V Patel, A Kothari, B Amin
Crystal growth & design 4 (2), 343-349, 2004
Direct-Coated Photoconducting Nanocrystalline PbS Thin Films with Tunable Band Gap
D Vankhade, A Kothari, TK Chaudhuri
Journal of Electronic Materials, 2016
Electrical characterization of strontium tartrate single crystals
SK Arora, V Patel, RG Patel, B Amin, A Kothari
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 65 (5), 965-973, 2004
Formation of indentation cracks and origin of indentation size effect in cadmium tartrate pentahydrate single crystals
K Sangwal, A Kothari, SK Arora
Surface science 600 (7), 1475-1486, 2006
Synthesis and characterization of cadmium tartrate single crystals
SK Arora, A Kothari, B Amin, B Chudasama
Crystal Research and Technology: Journal of Experimental and Industrial …, 2007
Single crystal growth and photoelectrochemical study of copper tungstate
SK Arora, T Mathew, B Chudasama, A Kothari
Journal of Crystal Growth 275 (1-2), e651-e656, 2005
Kinetics and mechanism of thermal decomposition of strontium tartrate crystals
SK Arora, V Patel, A Kothari
Materials chemistry and physics 84 (2-3), 323-330, 2004
One-minute microwave-assisted chemical bath deposition of nanostructured ZnO rod-arrays
A Kothari, TK Chaudhuri
Materials Letters 65 (5), 847-849, 2011
Photoconducting nanocomposite films of PbS nanocrystals in insulating polystyrene
TK Chaudhuri, AJ Kothari, D Tiwari, A Ray
physica status solidi (a) 210 (2), 356-360, 2013
Optical absorption in gel grown cadmium tartrate single crystals
SK Arora, AJ Kothari, RG Patel, KM Chauhan, BN Chudasama
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 28 (1), 48, 2006
Micromechanical hardness of strontium tartrate trihydrate crystals
SK Arora, V Patel, A Kothari, B Chudasama
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 88 (12), 3469-3473, 2005
Microwave-assisted chemical bath deposition of nanostructured ZnO particles
TK Chaudhuri, A Kothari
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9 (9), 5578-5585, 2009
Effect of particle concentration on lubricating properties of magnetic fluid
K Trivedi, A Kothari, K Parekh, RV Upadhyay
Journal of Nanofluids 7 (3), 420-427, 2018
One-step deposition of ZnO morphologies from single aqueous chemical bath prepared from reverse osmosis processed water
A Kothari, TK Chaudhuri
Materials Letters 137, 366-368, 2014
ZnO flowers by forced hydrolysis of ammonium zinc complex on hot glass substrates
TK Chaudhuri, A Kothari
Journal of Optoelectronic and Biomedical Materials Volume 1 (1), 20-24, 2009
Optical absorption in SrC4H4O6· 3H2O crystals
SK Arora, V Patel, A Kothari, B Chudasama
Materials Science and Engineering: B 113 (3), 263-268, 2004
Solution-based deposition of SnS nanostructures from mechanochemically prepared precursor bath
A Kothari, K Dave
Materials Letters 236, 299-302, 2019
Effect of growth parameters on the optical properties of ZnO nanostructures grown by simple solution methods
A Kothari
AIP Conference Proceedings 1837 (1), 2017
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Articles 1–20