Dr. Davis Lazarus
Dr. Davis Lazarus
Global Research & Development Services (GRDS), Jaipur, India
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Cited by
Co-creation Willingness Matrix and Capability Continuum for Classification and Scaling of Services
D Lazarus, A Krishna, S Dhaka
Journal of Global Marketing 27 (4), 213-225, 2014
Co-creation channel: A concept for paradigm shift in value creation
A Krishna, D Lazarus, S Dhaka
Journal of Management Science and Practice 1 (1), 14, 2013
Service failure magnitude and paradox: a banking perspective
S Singhal, A Krishna, D Lazarus
Journal of Relationship Marketing 12 (3), 191-203, 2013
Co-creation Capability Spectrum for Classification and Scaling of Processing Services
D Lazarus, K Anupam, D Sunishtha
Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management 7 (1), 37 - 44, 2014
Service recovery system gaps
DGS Krishna Anupam, Lazarus Davis, Sharma Sonal
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research 6 (1), 48-57, 2012
Understanding the concept and challenges of engaging consumers in the value co-creation process
D Lazarus
Impetus: Xavier’s Interdisciplinary Research Journal (ISSN: 2278-0254) 2 (1 …, 2013
A study on consumers and employees for understanding value co creation with special reference to selected cities in Indian market
D Lazarus
Jaipur, 0
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Articles 1–7