Prof. Neeraj Bhargava , Computer  Science
Prof. Neeraj Bhargava , Computer Science
Department of Computer science School of Engineering & Systems Sciences, MDS University Ajmer
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Decision tree analysis on j48 algorithm for data mining
N Bhargava, G Sharma, R Bhargava, M Mathuria
Proceedings of international journal of advanced research in computer …, 2013
An approach for classification using simple CART algorithm in WEKA
N Bhargava, S Dayma, A Kumar, P Singh
2017 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO …, 2017
Prediction of recurrence cancer using J48 algorithm
N Bhargava, S Sharma, R Purohit, PS Rathore
2017 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems …, 2017
Digital image authentication system based on digital watermarking
N Bhargava, MM Sharma, AS Garhwal, M Mathuria
2012 International Conference on Radar, Communication and Computing (ICRCC …, 2012
An adaptive method for edge preserving denoising
N Bhargava, AK Sharma, A Kumar, PS Rathoe
2017 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems …, 2017
Fingerprint recognition using minutia matching
N Bhargava, R Bhargava, P Narooka, M Cotia
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 3 (4), 641-643, 2012
Threshold and binarization for document image analysis using otsu’s Algorithm
N Bhargava, A Kumawat, R Bhargava
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) 17 (5), 272-275, 2014
Study of X ray detection using CNN in machine learning
N Bhargava, PS Rathore, A Bhowmick
International Conference on Advancements in Smart Computing and Information …, 2022
Texture recognition using gabor filter for extracting feature vectors with the regression mining algorithm
N Bhargava, R Bhargava, PS Rathore, A Kumar
International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management (IJRCM) 9 (3), 31-44, 2020
Prediction of arthritis using classification and regression tree algorithm
N Bhargava, R Purohit, S Sharma, A Kumar
2017 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems …, 2017
Fingerprint matching of normalized image based on Euclidean distance
N Bhargava, A Kumawat, R Bhargava
International Journal of Computer Applications 120 (24), 20-23, 2015
Fingerprint matching using ridge-end and bifurcation points
N Bhargava, R Bhargava, M Mathuria, M Cotia
IJCA proceedings on international conference on recent trends in information …, 2012
Triangulated irregular network model from mass points
N Bhargava, R Bhargava, PS Tanwar
International Journal of Advanced Computer Research 3 (2), 172-176, 2013
Analysis of Different Congestion Avoidance Algorithms
N Bhargava, R Bhargava, M Mathuria, S Gupta, KK Jyotiyana
International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications 3 (1), 32, 2013
Rainfall spatial analysis using GIS
RB NeerajBhargava, PS Tanwar, A Sharma
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication …, 2013
Demonstration of barcodes to QR codes through text using document software
N Bhargava, A Kumawat, R Bhargava
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and …, 2014
Fingerprint minutiae matching using region of interest
N Bhargava, R Bhargava, M Mathuria, P Dixit
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 4 (4), 515-518, 2013
Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing for Distributed Client
N Bhargava, R Bhargava, M Mathuria, R Daima
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing 2 (6), 97-104, 2013
Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Approaches in Security Frameworks
N Bhargava, R Bhargava, PS Rathore, R Agrawal
John Wiley & Sons, 2021
Study of distribution of white-to-white corneal diameter and anterior chamber depth in study population obtained with optical biometry using intraocular lens (IOL) master
K Singh, S Gupta, PS Moulick, N Bhargava, A Sati, G Kaur
medical journal armed forces india 75 (4), 400-405, 2019
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Articles 1–20