Rakshit Ramesh
Rakshit Ramesh
Indian Institute of Science
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Cited by
An open smart city iot test bed: street light poles as smart city spines
B Amrutur, V Rajaraman, S Acharya, R Ramesh, A Joglekar, A Sharma, ...
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet-of-Things …, 2017
LoRaWAN for smart cities: experimental study in a campus deployment
R Ramesh, M Arunachalam, HK Atluri, C Kumar, SVR Anand, ...
LPWAN Technologies for IoT and M2M Applications, 327-345, 2020
Face localization using skin colour and maximal entropy based particle swarm optimization for facial recognition
S Jois, R Ramesh, AC Kulkarni
2017 4th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical …, 2017
Face recognition using snakes algorithm and skin detection based face localization
R Ramesh, AC Kulkarni, NR Prasad, K Manikantan
Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal, Networks, Computing …, 2017
Schemas for IoT interoperability for smart cities
A Sharma, S Acharya, V Rajaraman, R Ramesh, A Babu, B Amrutur
Proceedings of the 4th ACM international conference on systems for energy …, 2017
Interoperable middleware for smartcities Streetlighting on LoRaWAN as a case study
R Ramesh, S Acharya, V Rajaraman, A Babu, A Joglekar, A Sharma, ...
2019 11th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks …, 2019
Robust and Scalable Techniques for TWR and TDoA based localization using Ultra Wide Band Radios
R Ramesh, A John-Sabu, S Ramesh, M Arunachalam, B Amrutur
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.04248, 2020
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Articles 1–7