Editor Scholarzest
Editor Scholarzest
Scholarzest Journals
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Ensuring Conditions For Effective Development Of Industry Based On Production Diversification
MM Numonjonovich, NN Nodirjon o’g’li
European Scholar Journal 2 (3), 65-67, 0
The innovation process is a priority in the development of pedagogical sciences
SS Olimov
European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability 2 (3), 86-88, 2021
The importance of enhancing social skills of preschoolers
K Khusnidakhon
European Scholar Journal 2 (3), 74-78, 2021
Pedagogical and communicative skills
RM Nabijanovna
Linguistic methods for investigating concepts in use
MM Kurbanova, GB Ataeva
European Scholar Journal 1 (1), 27-30, 2020
Mathematical Model of the Optimization Problem Taking Into Account a Number of Factors
AT Saidmamatov, AO Egamberdiev, DG Akramova
European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability 2 (3), 1-2, 2021
Justification of rational parameters of transshipment points from automobile conveyor to railway transport
KO G’ofurovich, UA Abdurashidovich
World Economics and Finance Bulletin 1 (1), 20-25, 2021
Developing hearing perception in hearing-impaired children of preschool age
RK Sodiqovna, KM Shamshidinovna
European Scholar Journal 2 (10), 74-75, 2021
The third renaissance towards ascending
M Achildieva, F Ikromova, M Abutolipova, O Khaydarova
European Scholar Journal 2 (9), 17-20, 2021
Khoja Abdulkhaliq Ghijduvani And Its Method
SG Vahobovna
European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements 2 (10), 39-40, 2021
ICT and economic growth nexus: Case of central Asian countries
T Shodiev, B Turayey, K Shodiyev
Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities 1, 155-167, 2021
The key of effective communication is pronunciation
SN Nurullayevna
European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements 1 (4), 5-7, 2020
Possibilities of an Integrative Approach to the Formation of A Culture of Environmental Safety
ML Abdimannabovna
European Scholar Journal 2 (11), 43-44, 2021
The Content and Essence of the Concept of “Intellectual Culture”
KJ Akmaljonovich
European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements 2 (5), 15-18, 2021
Use of Innovative Educational Technologies in Fine ARTS Classes of Higher Education Institutions
KB Mirzahamdamovna, AN Erkinovna, SR Jumadillaevich
European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements 2 (4), 25-27, 2021
Monitoring of the Motor Readiness of the Students of the National Guard Courses
MA Agzamovich
European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability 2 (12), 108-110, 2021
Speech therapist and family collaboration in overcoming severe speech deficits
M Maxmudova, O Zikirova
European Scholar Journal 2 (10), 72-73, 2021
Factors for the Development of Ecoesthetic Culture of Future Preschool Educational Professionals
AO Anvarjonovna
European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements 2 (5), 162-164, 2021
The society is at a new stage of development priority in education system reform functions
IM Ismoilovich
European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability 2 (7), 80-85, 2021
Dialectical and synergetic features of the development of theological and epistemological views in medieval eastern islam
I Siddiqov
European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements 3 (2), 79-83, 2022
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Articles 1–20