Manjunatha Prasad Karantha
Manjunatha Prasad Karantha
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal
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Core–EP inverse
K Manjunatha Prasad, KS Mohana
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 62 (6), 792-802, 2014
The generalized moore-penrose inverse
KM Prasad, RB Bapat
Linear Algebra and its Applications 165, 59-69, 1992
Generalized inverses over integral domains
RB Bapat, KPSB Rao, KM Prasad
Linear Algebra and its Applications 140, 181-196, 1990
Generalized inverses over integral domains. II. Group inverses and Drazin inverses
KM Prasad, KPSB Rao, RB Bapat
Linear Algebra and its Applications 146, 31-47, 1991
Bordering method to compute core-EP inverse
KM Prasad, MD Raj
Special Matrices 6 (1), 193-200, 2018
Measurement and covariance analysis of reaction cross sections for 58Ni (n, p) 58Co relative to cross section for formation of 97Zr fission product in neutron-induced fission …
BS Shivashankar, S Ganesan, H Naik, SV Suryanarayana, NS Nair, ...
Nuclear Science and Engineering 179 (4), 423-433, 2015
Generalized inverses of matrices over commutative rings
KM Prasad
Linear Algebra and its Applications 211, 35-52, 1994
Shorted operators relative to a partial order in a regular ring
B Blackwood, SK Jain, KM Prasad, AK Srivastava
Communications in Algebra® 37 (11), 4141-4152, 2009
Outer inverses: Characterization and applications
RB Bapat, SK Jain, KMP Karantha, MD Raj
Linear Algebra and its Applications 528, 171-184, 2017
Right-left symmetry of aR⊕ bR=(a+ b) R in regular rings
SK Jain, KM Prasad
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 133 (1-2), 141-142, 1998
Measurement of 59Co(n, γ)60Co reaction cross sections at the effective neutron energies of 11.98 and 15.75 MeV
SS Yerraguntla, H Naik, MP Karantha, S Ganesan, SV Suryanarayana, ...
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 314, 457-465, 2017
Iterative method to find core-EP inverse
MP Karantha, DR Micheal, M Vinay
On the Distance Spectra and the Distance Laplacian Spectra of Graphs with …, 2018
Combinatorial matrix theory and generalized inverses of matrices
RB Bapat, SJ Kirkland, KM Prasad, S Puntanen
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
93Nb(n,2n)92mNb, 93Nb(n,α)90mY and 92Mo(n,p)92mNb reactions at 14.78 MeV and covariance analysis
I Pasha, R Basavanna, SS Yerranguntla, SV Suryanarayana, M Karkera, ...
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 320, 561-568, 2019
An introduction to generalized inverse
KM Prasad
Lectures on Matrix and Graph methods, 43-60, 2012
On bordering of regular matrices
KM Prasad, KPSB Rao
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 234, 245-259, 1996
Determinants of B2B e-marketplace adoption: An empirical study of Indian small firms
P Upadhyaya, P Mohan, MP Karantha
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) 13 (4), 55-69, 2017
The nonunique shorted matrix
SK Mitra, KM Prasad
Linear Algebra and its Applications 237, 41-70, 1996
A note on the Khatri-inverse
KM Prasad, RB Bapat
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A, 291-295, 1992
Measurement and covariance analysis of 232Th(n, 2n)231Th reaction cross sections at the effective neutron energies of 8.97 and 16.52 MeV
M Karkera, H Naik, S Punchithaya, M Prasad, SS Yeraguntla, ...
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 318, 1893-1900, 2018
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Articles 1–20