Abhijit Chaudhuri
Abhijit Chaudhuri
Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras, Chennai
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A coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical modeling of fracture aperture alteration and reservoir deformation during heat extraction from a geothermal reservoir
SN Pandey, A Chaudhuri, S Kelkar
Geothermics 65, 17-31, 2017
Geothermal reservoir modeling in a coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical- chemical approach: A review
SN Pandey, V Vishal, A Chaudhuri
Earth-Science Reviews 185, 1157–1169, 2018
Reliability of linear structures with parameter uncertainty under non-stationary earthquake
A Chaudhuri, S Chakraborty
Structural Safety 28 (3), 231-246, 2006
Fracture transmissivity evolution due to silica dissolution/precipitation during geothermal heat extraction
SN Pandey, A Chaudhuri, H Rajaram, S Kelkar
Geothermics 57, 111-126, 2015
Investigation of permeability alteration of fractured limestone reservoir due to geothermal heat extraction using three-dimensional thermo-hydro-chemical (THC) model
SN Pandey, A Chaudhuri, S Kelkar, VR Sandeep, H Rajaram
Geothermics 51, 46-62, 2014
Sensitivity evaluation in seismic reliability analysis of structures
A Chaudhuri, S Chakraborty
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 193 (1-2), 59-68, 2004
Early‐stage hypogene karstification in a mountain hydrologic system: A coupled thermohydrochemical model incorporating buoyant convection
A Chaudhuri, H Rajaram, H Viswanathan
Water Resources Research 49 (9), 5880-5899, 2013
Alteration of fractures by precipitation and dissolution in gradient reaction environments: Computational results and stochastic analysis
A Chaudhuri, H Rajaram, H Viswanathan
Water Resources Research 44 (10), W10410, 2008
The effect of heterogeneity on heat extraction and transmissivity evolution in a carbonate reservoir: A thermo-hydro-chemical study
SN Pandey, A Chaudhuri
Geothermics 69, 45-54, 2017
Effect of salinity on supercritical CO2 permeability of caprock in deep saline aquifers: An experimental study
DW Jayasekara, PG Ranjith, WAM Wanniarachchi, TD Rathnaweera, ...
Energy 191, 116486, 2020
A comprehensive numerical study of immiscible and miscible viscous fingers during chemical enhanced oil recovery
R Vishnudas, A Chaudhuri
Fuel 194, 480-490, 2017
Buoyant convection resulting from dissolution and permeability growth in vertical limestone fractures
A Chaudhuri, H Rajaram, H Viswanathan, G Zyvoloski, P Stauffer
Geophysical research letters 36 (3), 2009
Potential of based geothermal energy extraction from hot sedimentary and dry rock reservoirs, and enabling carbon geo-sequestration
M Singh, SK Tangirala, A Chaudhuri
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 6 (1), 16, 2020
Coupled multiphase flow and transport simulation to model CO2 dissolution and local capillary trapping in permeability and capillary heterogeneous reservoir
M Singh, A Chaudhuri, MR Soltanian, PH Stauffer
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 108, 103329, 2021
Numerical modeling of particulate fouling and cake-enhanced concentration polarization in roto-dynamic reverse osmosis filtration systems
A Uppu, A Chaudhuri, SP Das
Desalination 468, 114053, 2019
Analysis of evolving capillary transition, gravitational fingering, and dissolution trapping of CO2 in deep saline aquifers during continuous injection of supercritical CO2
M Singh, A Chaudhuri, SP Chu, PH Stauffer, RJ Pawar
International journal of greenhouse gas control 82, 281-297, 2019
A systematic numerical modeling study of various polymer injection conditions on immiscible and miscible viscous fingering and oil recovery in a five-spot setup
A Chaudhuri, R Vishnudas
Fuel 232, 431-443, 2018
Modeling of concentration polarization and permeate flux variation in a roto-dynamic reverse osmosis filtration system
A Jogdand, A Chaudhuri
Desalination 375, 54-70, 2015
Iterative filter based estimation of fully 3D heterogeneous fields of permeability and Mualem-van Genuchten parameters
A Chaudhuri, HJH Franssen, M Sekhar
Advances in Water Resources 122, 340-354, 2018
Constraining complex aquifer geometry with geophysics (2-D ERT and MRS measurements) for stochastic modelling of groundwater flow
A Chaudhuri, M Sekhar, M Descloitres, Y Godderis, L Ruiz, JJ Braun
Journal of Applied Geophysics 98, 288 – 297, 2013
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Articles 1–20