Shubhada Nayak
Shubhada Nayak
Principal Rayat Shikshan Sanstha's Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College Vashi
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Cited by
Fibrinolytic enzyme from newly isolated marine bacterium Bacillus subtilis ICTF-1: Media optimization, purification and characterization
PM Mahajan, S Nayak, SS Lele
Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 113 (3), 307-314, 2012
Adsorption of methylene blue dye over activated charcoal from the fruit peel of plant hydnocarpus pentandra
SS Nayak, NA Mirgane, VS Shivankar, KB Pathade, GC Wadhawa
Materials Today: Proceedings 37, 2302-2305, 2021
“Identification of different species of Bacillus isolated from Nisargruna biodas Plant by FTIR, UV-Vis and NIR Spectroscopy”
DSSPK S.B. Ghosh, K. Bhattacharya, S. Nayak, P. Mukharjee
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 148, 420-426, 2015
Tin oxide plant assisted nanoparticle catalyzed green synthesis of imidazole derivatives
SS Nayak, GC Wadhawa, VS Shivankar, DD Patil, MC Sonawale, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 37, 2490-2494, 2021
Degradation of the industrial dye using the nanoparticles synthesized from flowers of plant Ceropegia attenuata
SS Nayak, NA Mirgane, VS Shivankar, KB Pathade, GC Wadhawa
Materials Today: Proceedings 37, 2427-2431, 2021
Phytochemical Analysis and Dpph Antioxidant Activity of Root And Bark of Syzygium Stocksii (Duthie) Plant
SS Nayak, GC Wadhawa, VS Shivankar, R Inamadar, MC Sonawale
Eur J Mol Clin Med 7 (10), 2655-2668, 2021
Naphthalene induced Biochemical changes in Anabas testudineus
L Patnaik, D Raut, D Panda, S Nayak
Journal of Biodiversity and Environment Sciences 8 (2), 154-158, 2016
Nano catalyst derived from plant Polyzygus Tuberosus: A suitable for efficient and green synthesis of benzimidazole derivatives
AK Valvi, SS Nayak, VS Shivankar, GC Wadhawa
Materials Today: Proceedings 50, 1522-1526, 2022
Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of leaves and bark of Ceropegia rollae Hemadri
SS Nayak, NA Mirgane, KB Pathade, VS Shivankar, GC Wadhawa
Plant Science Today 8 (3), 425–428-425–428, 2021
Nisargruna: a novel method for degradation of organic waste
SP Kale, SS Nayak
3rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, August 5, 2007
Green synthesis of the plant assisted nanoparticles from Euphorbia neriifolia L. and its application in the degradation of dyes from industrial waste
SS Nayak, GC Wadhawa, KB Pathade, VS Shivankar, NA Mirgane
Plant Science Today 8 (2), 380-385, 2021
Nano biopolymer for packing of food using leaves of Fimbristylis tetragona
GC Wadhawa, VS Shivankar, SS Nayak, PA Patil, AP Angre, PG Patil, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 50, 2536-2540, 2022
Green synthesis of nanostructured aluminum: Antibacterial activity and dye degradation
SS Nayak, GC Wadhawa, VS Shivankar, RF Inamadar, C Sonawale
Eur. J. Mol. Clin. Med 7, 2640-2654, 2020
Microbiological studies for characterization and process improvement in “Nisargruna” biogas plant
S Nayak, S Kale
Ph. D Thesis submitted to the University of Mumbai, 2008
Synthesis of Benzimidazole and Benzothiazole Derivatives using Reusable Waste Stem of Trigonella Foenum-graecum Assisted Zinc Sulphide Nanoparticles: A Green and Efficient …
AK Valvi, HJ Gavit, SS Nayak, VS Shivankar, GC Wadhawa
Materials Today: Proceedings 73, 481-486, 2023
Conversion of Lignocellulosic Wastes into Biofertilizer using Bacterial Consortium
KJSN Asmita Gaikwad
Current Agriculture Research Journal 11 (1), 2023
Development of a biofertilizer for viticulture.
P Rai, S Nayak
Agricultural Research Journal 58 (1), 2021
Microbial Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and their Applications in Medical Textiles.
PR Salunkhe, SS Nayak
Man-Made Textiles in India 40 (5), 2012
One-pot green synthesis of ZnS nanoparticles and its application for degradation of organic dye and synthesis of 2-benzimidazole derivatives
GC Wadhawa, PA Patil, PA Patil, VS Shivankar, SS Nayak, PS Gaikar, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2986 (1), 2024
Estimation of solids and biodegraded metabolites in the raw and processed slurry of the two-phase Nisargruna biogas plant
S Nayak, S Kale
Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology Vol 9 (06), 100-107, 2021
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Articles 1–20