Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engg., BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Pilani-333031, Rajasthan, India
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Cited by
Buckling and dynamic instability analysis of stiffened shell panels
SN Patel, PK Datta, AH Sheikh
Thin-Walled Structures 44 (3), 321-333, 2006
Dynamic instability of trapezoidal composite plates under non-uniform compression using moving kriging based meshfree method
G Watts, R Kumar, SN Patel, S Singh
Thin-Walled Structures 164, 107766, 2021
Buckling response of laminated composite stiffened plates subjected to partial in-plane edge loading
SN Patel, AH Sheikh
International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and …, 2016
Parametric study on the dynamic instability behavior of laminated composite stiffened plate
SN Patel, PK Datta, AH Sheikh
Journal of engineering mechanics,ASCE 135 (11), 1331-1341, 2009
Nonlinear bending analysis of laminated composite stiffened plates
SN Patel
Steel and Composite Structures 17 (6), 867-890, 2014
Non-linear vibration and instability of multi-phase composite plate subjected to non-uniform in-plane parametric excitation: Semi-analytical investigation
V Singh, R Kumar, SN Patel
Thin-Walled Structures 162, 107556, 2021
Nonlinear vibration and instability of a randomly distributed CNT-reinforced composite plate subjected to localized in-plane parametric excitation
V Singh, R Vescovini, R Kumar, SN Patel, G Watts
Applied Mathematical Modelling 101, 453-480, 2022
Postbuckling and postbuckled vibration behaviour of imperfect trapezoidal sandwich plates with FG-CNTRC face sheets under nonuniform loadings
G Watts, R Kumar, S Singh, V Sengar, GR Reddy, SN Patel
Aerospace Science and Technology 127, 107716, 2022
Dynamic instability analysis of stiffened shell panels subjected to partial edge loading along the edges
SN Patel, PK Datta, AH Sheikh
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 49 (12), 1309-1324, 2007
Effect of harmonic in-plane edge loading on dynamic stability of stiffened shell panels with cutouts
SN Patel, PK Datta, AH Sheikh
International Journal of Applied Mechanics 2 (04), 759-785, 2010
Semianalytical Development of Dynamic Instability and Response of a Multiscale Laminated Hybrid Composite Plate
V Singh, R Kumar, V Jain, T Naveen Kumar, SN Patel
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 34 (3), 04021005, 2021
Dynamic stability analysis of stiffened shell panels with cutouts
SN Patel, PK Datta, AH Sheikh
Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transaction of ASME 76 (4), 041004, 2009
Dynamic instability analysis of laminated composite stiffened shell panels subjected to in-plane harmonic edge loading
SN Patel, PK Datta, AH Sheikh
Structural engineering and mechanics: An international journal 22 (4), 483-510, 2006
Dynamic buckling analysis of a composite stiffened cylindrical shell
SN Patel, C Bisagni, PK Datta
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal 37 (5), 509-527, 2011
Instability and Vibration Analyses of Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotube–Reinforced Laminated Composite Plate Subjected to Localized In-Plane Periodic Loading
V Singh, R Kumar, SN Patel, T Dey, S Kumar Panda
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 34 (6), 04021072, 2021
Non-linear stability and failure of laminated composite stiffened cylindrical panels subjected to in-plane impulse loading
V Keshav, SN Patel, R Kumar
Structures 29, 360-372, 2021
Stability and failure study of suddenly loaded laminated composite cylindrical panel
V Keshav, SN Patel, R Kumar
International Journal of Applied Mechanics 11 (10), 1950093, 2019
Nonlinear dynamic instability of laminated composite stiffened plates subjected to in-plane pulsating loading
D Fayaz, SN Patel, R Kumar, G Watts
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 31 (22), 5486-5517, 2024
Effect of Cutout on the Stability and Failure of Laminated Composite Cylindrical Panels Subjected to In-Plane Pulse Loads
V Keshav, SN Patel, R Kumar, G Watts
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 22 (08), 2250087, 2022
Non-linear response and buckling of imperfect laminated composite plates under in-plane pulse forces
R Kumar, V Singh, SN Patel, T Dey
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2021
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Articles 1–20