Zhen Chen
Cited by
Cited by
Cloud Computing-Based Forensic Analysis for Collaborative Network Security Management System
Z Chen, FY Han, J Cao, X Jiang, S Chen
Tsinghua Science and Technology 18 (1), 40-50, 2013
A link prediction approach for item recommendation with complex number
F Xie, Z Chen, J Shang, X Feng, J Li
Knowledge-Based Systems 81, 148-158, 2015
Collaborative network security in multi-tenant data center for cloud computing
Z Chen, W Dong, H Li, P Zhang, X Chen, J Cao
Tsinghua Science and Technology 19 (1), 82 - 94, 2014
Energy internet: an infrastructure for cyber-energy integration
J Cao, M Yang, D Zhang, Y Ming, K Meng, Z Chen, C Lin
Southern Power System Technology 8 (4), 1-10, 2014
Live Streaming with Content Centric Networking
H Xu, Z Chen, R Chen, J Cao
2012 Third International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing …, 2012
A Survey of Bitmap Index Compression Algorithms for Big Data
Z Chen, Y Wen, C Junwei, W Zheng, J Chang, Y Wu, G Ma, M Hakmaoui, ...
Tsinghua Science and Technology 20 (1), 2015
Mobile Internet big data platform in China Unicom
W Huang, Z Chen, W Dong, H Li, B Cao, J Cao
Tsinghua Science and Technology 19 (1), 95-101, 2014
LARX: Large-Scale Anti-Phishing by Retrospective Data-Exploring Based on a Cloud Computing Platform
T Li, F Han, S Ding, Z Chen
2011 20th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks …, 2011
MobSafe: Cloud Computing based Forensic Analysis for Massive Mobile Applications using Data Mining
J Xu, Y Yu, Z Chen, B Cao, W Dong, Y Guo, J Cao
Tsinghua Science and Technology 18 (4), 418-427, 2013
李军, 陈震, 黄霁崴
信息网络安全 13 (3), 10-13, 2012
Grey Forecast Model for Accurate Recommendation in Presence of Data Sparsity and Correlation
F Xie, Z Chen, J Shang, GC Fox
Knowledge-Based Systems 69, 179–190, 2014
Application level network access control system based on TNC architecture for enterprise network
Z Chen, FC Deng, AA Luo, X Jiang, GD Li, R Zhang, C Lin
2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking …, 2010
TST: Threshold based Similarity Transitivity Method in Collaborative Filtering with Cloud Computing
F Xie, Z Chen, H Xu, X Feng, Q Hou
Tsinghua Science and Technology 18 (3), 318-327, 2013
RBRA: A Simple and Efficient Rating-Based Recommender Algorithm to Cope with Sparsity in Recommender Systems
F Xie, M Xu, Z Chen
2012 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2012
Netsecu: A collaborative network security platform for in-network security
X Chen, B Mu, Z Chen
2011 Third International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2011
内容中心网络 CCN 研究进展探析
闵二龙, 陈震, 许宏峰, 梁勇
信息网络安全, 6-10, 2012
UTM-CM: A Practical Control Mechanism Solution for UTM System
Y Zhang, F Deng, Z Chen, Y Xue, C Lin
2010 International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC …, 2010
A Tentative Comparison on CDN and NDN
G Ma, Z Chen, Z Guo, Y Jiang, X Guo
2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2014
SECOMPAX: A bitmap index compression algorithm
Y Wen, Z Chen, G Ma, J Cao, W Zheng, G Peng, S Li, W Huang
2014 23rd International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks …, 2014
Item Similarity Learning Methods for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems
F Xie, Z Chen, J Shang, W Huang, J Li
2015 IEEE 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2015
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Articles 1–20