Dr. Supantha Paul
Dr. Supantha Paul
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Weakening of Indian summer monsoon rainfall due to changes in land use land cover
S Paul, S Ghosh, R Oglesby, A Pathak, A Chandrasekharan, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 32177, 2016
Increased spatial variability and intensification of extreme monsoon rainfall due to urbanization
S Paul, S Ghosh, M Mathew, A Devanand, S Karmakar, D Niyogi
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3918, 2018
Impacts of urbanization on Indian summer monsoon rainfall extremes
H Shastri, S Paul, S Ghosh, S Karmakar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 120 (2), 496-516, 2015
Moisture supply from the Western Ghats forests to water deficit east coast of India
S Paul, S Ghosh, K Rajendran, R Murtugudde
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (9), 4337-4344, 2018
Future urban rainfall projections considering the impacts of climate change and urbanization with statistical–dynamical integrated approach
SK Hiteshri Shastri, Subimal Ghosh, Supantha Paul, Hossein Shafizadeh ...
Climate Dynamics, 1–19, 2018
Multi-ensemble regional simulation of Indian monsoon during contrasting rainfall years: role of convective schemes and nested domain
A Devanand, S Ghosh, S Paul, S Karmakar, D Niyogi
Climate Dynamics 50, 4127-4147, 2018
Removal of zinc ions from wastewater using industrial waste sludge: a novel approach
U Mishra, S Paul, M Bandyopadhaya
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 32 (3), 576-586, 2013
Assessment of underground water quality in North Eastern region of India: A case study of Agartala City
S Paul, U Mishra
International Journal Of Environmental Sciences 2 (2), 850-862, 2011
Near-real-time flood forecasting for an urban coastal catchment: An approach in combination of numerical weather and 3-way coupled hydrodynamic flood modelling
S Ghosh, M., Paul, S., Karmakar, S., Ghosh
Paper Number: EGU21-12834, EGU General Assembly 2021, 2021
Land-Surface Feedback and Impacts of Land-Use Change to Indian Monsoon Rainfall
A Pathak, S Paul, S Ghosh
Climate Change Signals and Response, 3-20, 2019
Changing pattern of Indian monsoon extremes: global and local factors
S Ghosh, H Shastri, A Pathak, S Paul
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2392, 2017
Impact of Urbanization on Spatial Variability of Rainfall-A case study of Mumbai city with WRF Model
M Mathew, S Paul, A Devanand, S Ghosh
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, B34C-04, 2015
Near real-time flood forecasting for coastal mega-cities in India: Major challenges and way forward.
S Ghosh, M., Shastri, H.K., Paul, S., Ghosh, S., Karmakar
The 8th International Conference on Flood Management, The university of Iowa …, 2021
A near-real-time flood forecasting system for an urban coastal catchment: A novel three-way hydrodynamic framework fed with numerical weather modelling outputs
S Ghosh, M., Paul, S., Patel, P., Ghosh, S., Behera, M.R., Inamdar, A.B ...
4th IMA International Conference on Flood Risk, Wales, UK., 2019
Role of Local Characteristics On Indian Summer Monsoon Precipitation.
S Paul, SG Amey Pathak
AOGS, Climate Change, Monsoon And Extreme Weather, 13th Annual meeting, China, 2016
Performance studies of a novel high cell density reactor in treating high strength waste water anaerobically at thermophilic condition(55C)
S Paul
International Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Urban Ecosystems …, 2012
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Articles 1–16