Geetha V
Geetha V
Assistant Professor, NITK Surathkal
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Cited by
Clustering in wireless sensor networks: Performance comparison of leach & leach-c protocols using ns2
VA Geetha, PV Kallapur, S Tellajeera
Procedia Technology 4, 163-170, 2012
SQL Injection detection using machine learning
A Joshi, V Geetha
2014 international conference on control, instrumentation, communication and …, 2014
Jamura: a conversational smart home assistant built on Telegram and Google Dialogflow
S Salvi, V Geetha, SS Kamath
TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 1564-1571, 2019
Human activity recognition in smart home using deep learning techniques
R Kolkar, V Geetha
2021 13th International conference on information & communication technology …, 2021
Effect of Mobility over Performance of the Ad hoc Networks
V Geetha, S Aithal, KC Sekaran
2006 International Symposium on Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 138-141, 2006
A distributed trust based secure communication framework for wireless sensor network
V Geetha, K Chandrasekaran
Wireless Sensor Network 6 (09), 173, 2014
A survey and comparison of GTS allocation and scheduling algorithms in IEEE 802.15. 4 wireless sensor networks
S Rao, S Keshri, D Gangwar, P Sundar, V Geetha
2013 IEEE Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, 98-103, 2013
Deepfake image detection using CNNs and transfer learning
N Kumar, P Pranav, V Nirney, V Geetha
2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Green …, 2021
From light to li-fi: Research challenges in modulation, mimo, deployment strategies and handover
S Salvi, V Geetha
2019 International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE), 107-119, 2019
Follow me: A human following robot using wi-fi received signal strength indicator
V Geetha, S Salvi, G Saini, N Yadav, RP Singh Tomar
ICT Systems and Sustainability: Proceedings of ICT4SD 2020, Volume 1, 585-593, 2021
Enhanced beta trust model for identifying insider attacks in wireless sensor networks
V Geetha, K Chandrasekaran
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS) 13 …, 2013
Research challenges in using mobile agents for data aggregation in wireless sensor networks with dynamic deadlines
PV Kallapur, V Geetha
International Journal of Computer Applications 30 (5), 34-38, 2011
A Quantitative Approach of Purposive Sampling Techniques for Security and Privacy Issues in IoT Healthcare Applications
SS Kumar, V Muthukumaran, A Devi, V Geetha, PN Yadav
Handbook of Research on Advancements in AI and IoT Convergence Technologies …, 2023
Enhanced back-off technique for IEEE 802.15. 4 WSN standard
A Vutukuri, S Bhattacharya, T Raj, Sridhar, V Geetha
Networks and Communications (NetCom2013) Proceedings of the Fifth …, 2014
A user authentication and access control scheme for IoT-based healthcare using blockchain
V Geetha, B Balakrishnan
2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking …, 2021
Issues and challenges in various sensor-based modalities in human activity recognition system
R Kolkar, V Geetha
Applications of advanced computing in systems: proceedings of international …, 2021
Survey on routing protocols for Internet of Things
A Bhat, V Geetha
2017 7th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design …, 2017
Evaluation of wear properties of industrial waste (slag) reinforced polypropylene composites
N Vijaya Kumar, MMM Sarcar, K Ramji, V Geetha
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical …, 2014
Efficient and secure communication of quantum image steganography using 3-way’s of authentication
KC Chandana, V Geetha
2019 1st International Conference on Advances in Information Technology …, 2019
Web security: A survey of latest trends in security attacks
PV Kallapur, V Geetha
Advances in Computer, Communication, Control and Automation, 405-415, 2012
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Articles 1–20