Jean-Marc Noel
Jean-Marc Noel
Researcher, CNRS
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Cited by
Efficient covalent modification of a carbon surface: use of a silyl protecting group to form an active monolayer
YR Leroux, H Fei, JM Noël, C Roux, P Hapiot
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (40), 14039-14041, 2010
Nanoelectrodes for determination of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species inside murine macrophages
Y Wang, JM Noël, J Velmurugan, W Nogala, MV Mirkin, C Lu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (29), 11534-11539, 2012
Evidence for OH radical production during electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction on Pt surfaces: consequences and application
JM Noël, A Latus, C Lagrost, E Volanschi, P Hapiot
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (5), 2835-2841, 2012
Electrochemistry and electrocatalysis at single gold nanoparticles attached to carbon nanoelectrodes
Y Yu, Y Gao, K Hu, PY Blanchard, JM Noël, T Nareshkumar, KL Phani, ...
ChemElectroChem 2 (1), 58-63, 2015
Nucleation and growth of metal on nanoelectrodes
J Velmurugan, JM Noël, W Nogala, MV Mirkin
Chemical Science 3 (11), 3307-3314, 2012
Carbon pipette-based electrochemical nanosampler
Y Yu, JM Noël, MV Mirkin, Y Gao, O Mashtalir, G Friedman, Y Gogotsi
Analytical chemistry 86 (7), 3365-3372, 2014
Chemical communication between liposomes encapsulating a chemical oscillatory reaction
R Tomasi, JM Noël, A Zenati, S Ristori, F Rossi, V Cabuil, F Kanoufi, ...
Chemical Science 5 (5), 1854-1859, 2014
Imaging and quantifying the formation of single nanobubbles at single platinum nanoparticles during the hydrogen evolution reaction
JF Lemineur, P Ciocci, JM Noël, H Ge, C Combellas, F Kanoufi
ACS nano 15 (2), 2643-2653, 2021
Opto‐electrochemical in situ monitoring of the cathodic formation of single cobalt nanoparticles
V Brasiliense, J Clausmeyer, AL Dauphin, JM Noël, P Berto, G Tessier, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56 (35), 10598-10601, 2017
Combining Electrodeposition and Optical Microscopy for Probing Size‐Dependent Single‐Nanoparticle Electrochemistry
JF Lemineur, JM Noël, D Ausserré, C Combellas, F Kanoufi
Angewandte Chemie 130 (37), 12174-12178, 2018
Design of robust binary film onto carbon surface using diazonium electrochemistry
YR Leroux, F Hui, JM Noël, C Roux, AJ Downard, P Hapiot
Langmuir 27 (17), 11222-11228, 2011
A conductive hydrogel based on alginate and carbon nanotubes for probing microbial electroactivity
L Mottet, D Le Cornec, JM Noël, F Kanoufi, B Delord, P Poulin, J Bibette, ...
Soft Matter 14 (8), 1434-1441, 2018
Dissolution of Pt at moderately negative potentials during oxygen reduction in water and organic media
JM Noël, Y Yu, MV Mirkin
Langmuir 29 (5), 1346-1350, 2013
Nucleation and growth of mercury on Pt nanoelectrodes at different overpotentials
J Velmurugan, JM Noël, MV Mirkin
Chemical Science 5 (1), 189-194, 2014
Differentiating electrochemically active regions of indium tin oxide electrodes for hydrogen evolution and reductive decomposition reactions. An in situ optical microscopy approach
P Ciocci, JF Lemineur, JM Noël, C Combellas, F Kanoufi
Electrochimica Acta 386, 138498, 2021
Electron transfer properties of a monolayer of hybrid polyoxometalates on silicon
F Volatron, JM Noël, C Rinfray, P Decorse, C Combellas, F Kanoufi, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (24), 6266-6275, 2015
In situ optical monitoring of the electrochemical conversion of dielectric nanoparticles: From multistep charge injection to nanoparticle motion
JF Lemineur, JM Noël, A Courty, D Ausserré, C Combellas, F Kanoufi
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (17), 7937-7946, 2020
Flexible strategy for immobilizing redox-active compounds using in situ generation of diazonium salts. Investigations of the blocking and catalytic properties of the layers
JM Noël, B Sjöberg, R Marsac, D Zigah, JF Bergamini, A Wang, ...
Langmuir 25 (21), 12742-12749, 2009
Localized reduction of graphene oxide by electrogenerated naphthalene radical anions and subsequent diazonium electrografting
J Azevedo, L Fillaud, C Bourdillon, JM Noël, F Kanoufi, B Jousselme, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (13), 4833-4836, 2014
Synthesis and Immobilization of Ag0 Nanoparticles on Diazonium Modified Electrodes: SECM and Cyclic Voltammetry Studies of the Modified Interfaces
JM Noël, D Zigah, J Simonet, P Hapiot
Langmuir 26 (10), 7638-7643, 2010
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Articles 1–20