Dr. Muhammad Rafiq Sial
Dr. Muhammad Rafiq Sial
COMSATS University Islamabad, WAh Campus
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Cited by
Brain tumor detection: a long short-term memory (LSTM)-based learning model
J Amin, M Sharif, M Raza, T Saba, R Sial, SA Shad
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-9, 2019
The cosine similarity measures of spherical fuzzy sets and their applications in decision making
M Rafiq, S Ashraf, S Abdullah, T Mahmood, S Muhammad
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 1-15, 2019
LSTM neural network based forecasting model for wheat production in Pakistan
SA Haider, SR Naqvi, T Akram, GA Umar, A Shahzad, MR Sial, S Khaliq, ...
Agronomy 9 (2), 72, 2019
Thermophysical analysis of water based (Cu–Al2O3) hybrid nanofluid in an asymmetric channel with dilating/squeezing walls considering different shapes of nanoparticles
F Saba, N Ahmed, U Khan, A Waheed, M Rafiq, ST Mohyud-Din
Applied Sciences 8 (9), 1549, 2018
On forgotten topological indices of some dendrimers structure
Y Bashir, A Aslam, M Kamran, MI Qureshi, A Jahangir, M Rafiq, N Bibi, ...
Molecules 22 (6), 867, 2017
Investigation of heat and mass transfer under the influence of variable diffusion coefficient and thermal conductivity
STM Din, T Zubair, M Usman, M Hamid, M Rafiq, S Mohsin
Indian Journal of Physics 92 (9), 1109-1117, 2018
Enhanced Internal Quantum Efficiency of Bandgap-Engineered Green W-Shaped Quantum Well Light-Emitting Diode
MRNM Muhammad Usman, Urooj Mushtaq, Dong-Guang Zheng, Dong-Pyo Han
Applied Science 9 (1), Article No. 77, 2018
Pronounced Impact of p-Type Carriers and Reduction of Bandgap in Semiconducting ZnTe Thin Films by Cu Doping for Intermediate Buffer Layer in Heterojunction Solar Cells
W Mahmood, SU Awan, A Ud Din, J Ali, MF Nasir, N Ali, M Kamran, ...
Materials 12 (8), 1359, 2019
Chebyshev wavelet method to nonlinear fractional Volterra–Fredholm integro-differential equations with mixed boundary conditions
ST Mohyud-Din, H Khan, M Arif, M Rafiq
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 9 (3), 1687814017694802, 2017
Variational iteration method with an auxiliary parameter for solving Volterra’s population model
STMD Muhammad Rafiq, Hijaz Ahmad
Nonlinear Sci. Lett. A 8 (4), 389-397, 2017
To study the effect of the generating polynomial on the quality of nonlinear components in block ciphers
S Mahmood, S Farwa, M Rafiq, SMJ Riaz, T Shah, SS Jamal
Security and Communication Networks 2018, 2018
Modified wavelets–based algorithm for nonlinear delay differential equations of fractional order
M Asad Iqbal, M Shakeel, ST Mohyud-Din, M Rafiq
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 9 (4), 1687814017696223, 2017
Degradation effect of Auger recombination and built-in polarization field on GaN-based light-emitting diodes
M Usman, K Saba, DP Han, N Muhammad, S Farwa, M Rafiq, T Saba
AIP Advances 8 (1), 015005, 2018
Variational Iteration Method for Solving a System of Second-Order Boundary Value Problems
MREAAS M. A. Noor, K. I. Noor
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences & Numerical Simulation 11 (12 …, 2010
Analytical solution for the flow of second grade fluid over a stretching sheet
M Rafiq, M Kamran, N Ahmed, ST Mohyud-Din, Y Bashir, SA Haider, ...
AIP Advances 9 (5), 055313, 2019
Harmonic waves solution in dual-phase-lag magneto-thermoelasticity
M Rafiq, B Singh, S Arifa, M Nazeer, M Usman, S Arif, M Bibi, A Jahangir
Open Physics 17 (1), 8-15, 2019
Three new/old vertex-degree-based topological indices of some dendrimers structure
A Aslam, Y Bashir, M Rafiq, F Haider, N Muhammad, N Bibi
Electronic J Biol 13 (1), 94-9, 2017
Some new solutions of the Caudrey–Dodd–Gibbon (CDG) equation using the conformable derivative
S Bibi, N Ahmed, I Faisal, ST Mohyud-Din, M Rafiq, U Khan
Advances in Difference Equations 2019 (1), 89, 2019
Homotopy perturbation method for solving a system of third-order boundary value problems
MA Noor, KI Noor, M Rafiq, E Al-Said, J Coletsos
IntJ PhysSci 6 (16), 4128-4133, 2011
Analytical solutions to contact problem with fractional derivatives in the sense of Caputo
MA Noor, M Rafiq, SUD Khan, MA Qureshi, M Kamran, SUD Khan, ...
Thermal Science 24 (Suppl. 1), 313-323, 2020
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Articles 1–20