Meenarli Sharma
Cited by
Cited by
Inversion of Convection-Diffusion Equation with Discrete Sources
M Sharma, M Hahn, S Leyffer, R Lars, BW Bart
Linearization and Parallelization Schemes for Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
M Sharma, P Palkar, A Mahajan
Minotaur: toolkit for mixed integer nonlinear optimization problems
S Leyffer, J Linderoth, J Luedtke, A Mahajan, T Munson, M Sharma
Automatic Reformulations for Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization: Perspective and Separability
M Sharma, A Mahajan
20th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2022), 2022
Parallel Algorithms for Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization
P Palkar, M Sharma, A Mahajan
Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms NUMTA 2019, 216, 2019
Solid pseudo-papillary tumor of the pancreas: a single centre experience
N Gupta, V Yadav, A Deshpande, M Patel, A Mahajan, R Kumar, ...
European Journal of Cancer 72, S83-S84, 2017
Advances in algorithms for convex mixed integer nonlinear optimization
M Sharma
Mumbai, 0
Solving a Multi-product, Multi-period, Multi-modal Freight Transportation Problem Using Integer Linear Programming
KP Anoop, M Sharma
Mixed-Integer PDE-Constrained Optimization Sven Leyffer (Argonne National Laboratory)(joint work with Bart van Bloemen Waanders (Sandia National Laboratories), Mirko Hahn …
S Leyffer
Automatic Reformulation Techniques For Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs
A Mahajan, M Sharma
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Articles 1–10