X. Wendy Gu
X. Wendy Gu
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
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Size-Dependent Deformation of Nanocrystalline Pt Nanopillars
XW Gu, CN Loynachan, Z Wu, YW Zhang, DJ Srolovitz, JR Greer
Nano letters 12 (12), 6385-6392, 2012
Ultra-strong architected Cu meso-lattices
XW Gu, JR Greer
Extreme Mechanics Letters 2, 7-14, 2015
Ultrafine-grained Ni-rich layered cathode for advanced Li-ion batteries
GT Park, DR Yoon, UH Kim, B Namkoong, J Lee, MM Wang, AC Lee, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (12), 6616-6626, 2021
Mechanisms of Failure in Nanoscale Metallic Glass
XW Gu, M Jafary-Zadeh, DZ Chen, Z Wu, YW Zhang, DJ Srolovitz, ...
Nano letters 14 (10), 5858-5864, 2014
Design and synthesis of multigrain nanocrystals via geometric misfit strain
MH Oh, MG Cho, DY Chung, I Park, YP Kwon, C Ophus, D Kim, MG Kim, ...
Nature 577 (7790), 359-363, 2020
Tolerance to structural disorder and tunable mechanical behavior in self-assembled superlattices of polymer-grafted nanocrystals
XW Gu, X Ye, DM Koshy, S Vachhani, P Hosemann, AP Alivisatos
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (11), 2836-2841, 2017
Mechanical regulation of lithium intrusion probability in garnet solid electrolytes
G McConohy, X Xu, T Cui, E Barks, S Wang, E Kaeli, C Melamed, XW Gu, ...
Nature Energy, 1-10, 2023
Microstructure versus Flaw: Mechanisms of Failure and Strength in Nanostructures
XW Gu, Z Wu, YW Zhang, DJ Srolovitz, JR Greer
Nano letters 13 (11), 5703-5709, 2013
Bright NIR‐II Photoluminescence in Rod‐Shaped Icosahedral Gold Nanoclusters
Q Li, CJ Zeman IV, Z Ma, GC Schatz, XW Gu
Small 17 (11), 2007992, 2021
Source of Bright Near-Infrared Luminescence in Gold Nanoclusters
Q Li, CJ Zeman IV, GC Schatz, XW Gu
ACS nano 15 (10), 16095-16105, 2021
Effects of helium implantation on the tensile properties and microstructure of Ni73P27 metallic glass nanostructures
R Liontas, XW Gu, E Fu, Y Wang, N Li, N Mara, JR Greer
Nano letters 14 (9), 5176-5183, 2014
Structural distortion and electron redistribution in dual-emitting gold nanoclusters
Q Li, D Zhou, J Chai, WY So, T Cai, M Li, LA Peteanu, O Chen, M Cotlet, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 2897, 2020
Universal and Solution-Processable Precursor to Bismuth Chalcogenide Thermoelectrics
RY Wang, JP Feser, X Gu, KM Yu, RA Segalman, A Majumdar, DJ Milliron, ...
Chemistry of Materials 22 (6), 1943-1945, 2010
In Situ Lithiation–Delithiation of Mechanically Robust Cu–Si Core–Shell Nanolattices in a Scanning Electron Microscope
X Xia, CV Di Leo, XW Gu, JR Greer
ACS Energy Letters 1 (3), 492-499, 2016
Suppression of Catastrophic Failure in Metallic Glass–Polyisoprene Nanolaminate Containing Nanopillars
JY Kim, X Gu, M Wraith, JT Uhl, KA Dahmen, JR Greer
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (9), 1972-1980, 2012
Exploring Deformation Mechanisms in Nanostructured Materials
JR Greer, D Jang, XW Gu
JOM 64 (10), 1241-1252, 2012
Mechanical nanolattices printed using nanocluster-based photoresists
Q Li, J Kulikowski, D Doan, OA Tertuliano, CJ Zeman IV, MM Wang, ...
Science 378 (6621), 768-773, 2022
Ductility and work hardening in nano-sized metallic glasses
DZ Chen, XW Gu, Q An, WA Goddard III, JR Greer
Applied Physics Letters 106 (6), 061903, 2015
Hardening in Au-Ag nanoboxes from stacking fault-dislocation interactions
RP Patil, D Doan, ZH Aitken, S Chen, MT Kiani, CM Barr, K Hattar, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 1-9, 2020
Pressure-Induced Optical Transitions in Metal Nanoclusters
Q Li, MA Mosquera, LO Jones, A Parakh, J Chai, R Jin, GC Schatz, ...
ACS nano 14 (9), 11888-11896, 2020
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Articles 1–20