Colin Teo
Cited by
Cited by
Generation of single photons with highly tunable wave shape from a cold atomic ensemble
P Farrera, G Heinze, B Albrecht, M Ho, M Chávez, C Teo, N Sangouard, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13556, 2016
Ultrasensitive inertial and force sensors with diamagnetically levitated magnets
J Prat-Camps, C Teo, CC Rusconi, W Wieczorek, O Romero-Isart
Physical Review Applied 8 (3), 034002, 2017
Information-causality and extremal tripartite correlations
TH Yang, D Cavalcanti, ML Almeida, C Teo, V Scarani
New Journal of Physics 14 (1), 013061, 2012
Realistic loophole-free Bell test with atom-photon entanglement
C Teo, M Araújo, MT Quintino, J Minář, D Cavalcanti, V Scarani, ...
Nature Communications 4, 2104, 2013
Experimental 3D coherent diffractive imaging from photon-sparse random projections
K Giewekemeyer, A Aquila, NTD Loh, Y Chushkin, KS Shanks, JT Weiss, ...
IUCrJ 6 (3), 357-365, 2019
Minimal motor for powering particle motion from spin imbalance
U Bissbort, C Teo, C Guo, G Casati, G Benenti, D Poletti
Physical Review E 95 (6), 062143, 2017
Lenses as an atom–photon interface: A semiclassical model
C Teo, V Scarani
Optics Communications 284 (19), 4485-4490, 2011
An encryption–decryption framework to validating single-particle imaging
Z Shen, CZW Teo, K Ayyer, ND Loh
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 971, 2021
Converting heat into directed transport on a tilted lattice
C Teo, U Bissbort, D Poletti
Physical Review E 95 (3), 030102(R), 2017
Global versus local optimality in feedback-controlled qubit purification: new insights from minimizing Rényi entropies
C Teo, J Combes, HM Wiseman
New Journal of Physics 16 (10), 105010, 2014
Proposal for monitoring and heralding position states of atoms in a one-dimensional waveguide
A Roulet, C Teo, HN Le, V Scarani
Physical Review A 90 (5), 053821, 2014
Optimal photon generation from spontaneous Raman processes in cold atoms
M Ho, C Teo, H de Riedmatten, N Sangouard
New Journal of Physics 20 (12), 123018, 2018
Generation of single photons with highly tunable wave shape from a cold atomic quantum memory
G Heinze, P Farrera, B Albrecht, H de Riedmatten, M Ho, M Chavez, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2016 …, 2016
Analysis of a proposal for a realistic loophole-free Bell test with atom-light entanglement
C Teo, J Minář, D Cavalcanti, V Scarani
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (5), 053848, 2013
Tunable single photon source from an atomic quantum memory for storage in a highly excited Rydberg state
P Farrera, E Distante, A Padrón-Brito, B Albrecht, D Paredes-Barato, ...
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Articles 1–15