M S Maheshan
M S Maheshan
Associate Professor, Dept. of Information Science & Engineering, JSS Science and Technology
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Cited by
A convolution neural network engine for sclera recognition
BS Harish, MS Maheshan, N Nagadarshan
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence …, 2020
On the use of image enhancement technique towards robust sclera segmentation
MS Maheshan, BS Harish, N Nagadarshan
Procedia computer science 143, 466-473, 2018
Sclera Segmentation using Spatial Kernel Fuzzy Clustering Methods
MS Maheshan, S Harish, B. and Kumar
9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods …, 2020
A modified intuitionistic fuzzy clustering approach for sclera segmentation
MS Maheshan, BS Harish
SN Computer Science 2 (4), 327, 2021
Indexing-Based Classification: An Approach Toward Classifying Text Documents
MS Maheshan, BS Harish, MB Revanasiddappa
Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications: Proceedings of …, 2018
A Comprehensive Survey of Recent Approaches on Microarray Image Data
CK Roopa, MP Priya, BS Harish, MS Maheshan
SN Computer Science 5 (1), 64, 2023
Secure Data Retrieval For Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks Using Cp-Abe
HD Bhavyashree, MS Maheshan
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering 2 (10), 2015
An improved sclera recognition using kernel entropy component analysis method
BS Harish, MS Maheshan, CK Roopa, RK Rangan
International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 13 (3), 304-315, 2023
Segmentation and Recognition of Sclera trait using Adaptive Gabor Filter
MS Maheshan, BS Harish, CK Roopa
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 1207-1215, 2021
Sclera Segmentation and Recognition for Spectacle Dataset
MS Maheshan, CK Roopa, M Niharika, M Nanditha, R Neha, K Kaujalgi
ITM Web of Conferences 65, 03014, 2024
A Hybrid Approach for Classification of Text Documents Using Naļve Bayes and Instance-Based Learning
GR Kishore, BS Harish, CK Roopa, MS Maheshan
International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information …, 2023
An Unsupervised Hybrid Symbolic Fuzzy Clustering Approach for Efficient Sclera Segmentation
BS Harish, MS Maheshan, CK Roopa, SVA Kumar
International Journal of Natural Computing Research (IJNCR) 10 (1), 1-14, 2021
"The war with pandemic world "LOCK DOWN LIFE
VDS Syed Baker, Nagendra Prasad M N, M S Maheshan
An Extensive Survey on Segmentation and Classification of Skin Lesions using AI Techniques
PU Mutt, CK Roopa, BS Harish, MS Maheshan
International Journal of Computer Applications 975, 8887, 0
A New Symbolic Representation for Sclera Recognition
MS Maheshan, BS Harish, CK Roopa
Personal Authentication Through Sclera Segmentation and Recognition
MS Maheshan
Mysuru, 0
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Articles 1–16