T. Senthil
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Cited by
Deconfined quantum critical points
T Senthil, A Vishwanath, L Balents, S Sachdev, MPA Fisher
Science 303 (5663), 1490-1494, 2004
Quantum criticality beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm
T Senthil, L Balents, S Sachdev, A Vishwanath, MPA Fisher
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (14), 144407, 2004
Quantum spin liquids
C Broholm, RJ Cava, SA Kivelson, DG Nocera, MR Norman, T Senthil
Science 367 (6475), eaay0668, 2020
Origin of Mott insulating behavior and superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene
HC Po, L Zou, A Vishwanath, T Senthil
Physical Review X 8 (3), 031089, 2018
gauge theory of electron fractionalization in strongly correlated systems
T Senthil, MPA Fisher
Physical Review B 62 (12), 7850, 2000
Tunable correlated Chern insulator and ferromagnetism in a moiré superlattice
G Chen, AL Sharpe, EJ Fox, YH Zhang, S Wang, L Jiang, B Lyu, H Li, ...
Nature 579 (7797), 56-61, 2020
Weak magnetism and non-Fermi liquids near heavy-fermion critical points
T Senthil, M Vojta, S Sachdev
Physical Review B 69 (3), 035111, 2004
Symmetry-protected topological phases of quantum matter
T Senthil
Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 6 (1), 299-324, 2015
Twisted Hubbard Model for : Magnetism and Possible High Temperature Superconductivity
F Wang, T Senthil
Physical Review Letters 106 (13), 136402, 2011
The marvels of moiré materials
EY Andrei, DK Efetov, P Jarillo-Herrero, AH MacDonald, KF Mak, ...
Nature Reviews Materials 6 (3), 201-206, 2021
Strange metal in magic-angle graphene with near Planckian dissipation
Y Cao, D Chowdhury, D Rodan-Legrain, O Rubies-Bigorda, K Watanabe, ...
Physical review letters 124 (7), 076801, 2020
Physics of three-dimensional bosonic topological insulators: Surface-deconfined criticality and quantized magnetoelectric effect
A Vishwanath, T Senthil
Physical Review X 3, 011016, 2013
A duality web in 2+ 1 dimensions and condensed matter physics
N Seiberg, T Senthil, C Wang, E Witten
Annals of Physics 374, 395-433, 2016
Fractionalized fermi liquids
T Senthil, S Sachdev, M Vojta
Physical review letters 90 (21), 216403, 2003
Deconfined quantum critical points: symmetries and dualities
C Wang, A Nahum, MA Metlitski, C Xu, T Senthil
Physical Review X 7 (3), 031051, 2017
Faithful tight-binding models and fragile topology of magic-angle bilayer graphene
HC Po, L Zou, T Senthil, A Vishwanath
Physical Review B 99 (19), 195455, 2019
Nearly flat Chern bands in moiré superlattices
YH Zhang, D Mao, Y Cao, P Jarillo-Herrero, T Senthil
Physical Review B 99 (7), 075127, 2019
Stability of spin liquids in two dimensions
M Hermele, T Senthil, MPA Fisher, PA Lee, N Nagaosa, XG Wen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (21), 214437, 2004
Band structure of twisted bilayer graphene: Emergent symmetries, commensurate approximants, and Wannier obstructions
L Zou, HC Po, A Vishwanath, T Senthil
Physical Review B 98 (8), 085435, 2018
Spin quantum Hall effect in unconventional superconductors
T Senthil, JB Marston, MPA Fisher
Physical Review B 60 (6), 4245, 1999
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Articles 1–20