Carlos A Santamaria
Carlos A Santamaria
Assistant Professor, University of Tampa, Tampa, FL
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Phylogeography of Supralittoral Rocky Intertidal Ligia Isopods in the Pacific Region from Central California to Central Mexico
LA Hurtado, M Mateos, CA Santamaria
PLoS One 5 (7), e11633, 2010
Predation risk, prey abundance, and the vertical distribution of three brachyuran crabs on Gulf of Maine shores
MJ Donahue, A Nichols, CA Santamaria, PE League-Pike, CJ Krediet, ...
Journal of Crustacean Biology 29 (4), 523-531, 2009
Phylogeography of the supralittoral isopod Ligia occidentalis around the Point Conception marine biogeographical boundary
R Eberl, M Mateos, RK Grosberg, CA Santamaria, LA Hurtado
Journal of Biogeography 40 (12), 2361-2372, 2013
A Complex Evolutionary History in a Remote Archipelago: Phylogeography and Morphometrics of the Hawaiian Endemic Ligia Isopods
CA Santamaria, M Mateos, S Taiti, TJ DeWitt, LA Hurtado
PLoS One 8 (12), e85199, 2013
Molecular systematics of the deep-sea hydrothermal vent endemic brachyuran family Bythograeidae: a comparison of three Bayesian species tree methods
M Mateos, LA Hurtado, CA Santamaria, V Leignel, D Guinot
PloS one 7 (3), e32066, 2012
Diversification at the narrow sea-land interface in the Caribbean: phylogeography of endemic supralittoral Ligia isopods
CA Santamaria, M Mateos, LA Hurtado
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2, 42, 2014
Constrained body shape among highly genetically divergent allopatric lineages of the supralittoral isopod Ligia occidentalis (Oniscidea)
CA Santamaria, M Mateos, TJ DeWitt, LA Hurtado
Ecology and Evolution 6 (5), 1537-1554, 2016
Molecular approaches uncover cryptic diversity in intertidal Ligia isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Ligiidae) across the southern Africa coastline
TM Greenan, CL Griffiths, CA Santamaria
PeerJ 6, e4658, 2018
Home range dynamics, habitat selection, and survival of Greater Roadrunners
SW Kelley, D Ransom, Jr, JA Butcher, GG Schulz, BW Surber, ...
Journal of Field Ornithology 82 (2), 165-174, 2011
Out of Asia: mitochondrial evolutionary history of the globally introduced supralittoral isopod Ligia exotica
LA Hurtado, M Mateos, C Wang, CA Santamaria, J Jung, ...
PeerJ 6, e4337, 2018
PCR Amplification of Microsatellites from Single Cells of Karenia brevis Preserved in Lugol’s Iodine Solution
DW Henrichs, MA Renshaw, CA Santamaria, B Richardson, JR Gold, ...
Marine biotechnology 10, 122-127, 2008
Molecular taxonomy of endemic coastal Ligia isopods from the Hawaiian Islands: re-description of L. hawaiensis and description of seven novel cryptic species
CA Santamaria
PeerJ 7, e7531, 2019
Cryptic biodiversity and phylogeographic patterns of Seychellois Ligia isopods
CA Santamaria, JK Bluemel, N Bunbury, M Curran
PeerJ 5, e3894, 2017
Conservation genetics of the Critically Endangered Saint Croix ground lizard (Ameiva polops Cope 1863)
LA Hurtado, CA Santamaria, LA Fitzgerald
Conservation Genetics 13, 665-679, 2012
Polymerase chain reaction‐based sex identification in the greater roadrunner
CA Santamaria, S Kelley, GG Schulz, D Ransom Jr, LA Hurtado
The Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (6), 1395-1399, 2010
First report of lionfish prey from Western Florida waters as identified by DNA barcoding
CA Santamaria, J Locascio, TM Greenan
PeerJ 8, e9922, 2020
Cryptic genetic diversity in the coastal isopod Alloniscus oahuensis from the Pacific Ocean
CA Santamaria, MR Koch
Zoological Studies 62, 2023
Redescription of Tylosmaindroni Giordani Soika, 1954 (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) based on SEM and molecular data
V Khalaji-Pirbalouty, H Oraie, CA Santamaria, JW Wägele
ZooKeys 1087, 123, 2022
The phylogenetic position of the Critically Endangered Saint Croix ground lizard Ameiva polops: revisiting molecular systematics of West Indian Ameiva
LA Hurtado, CA Santamaria, LA Fitzgerald
Zootaxa 3794 (2), 254–262-254–262, 2014
First record of the Ligia baudiniana species complex in the American Gulf of Mexico Coastline, as confirmed by morphological and molecular approaches
CA Santamaria, ET Bischoff III, M Aye, KW Phillips, V Overmeyer
F1000Research 6, 2017
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Articles 1–20