Chaitri Roy
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Cited by
Inter-annual variations in satellite observations of nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde over India
AS Mahajan, I De Smedt, MS Biswas, S Ghude, S Fadnavis, C Roy, ...
Atmospheric Environment 116, 194-201, 2015
Elevated aerosol layer over South Asia worsens the Indian droughts
S Fadnavis, TP Sabin, C Roy, M Rowlinson, A Rap, JP Vernier, CE Sioris
Scientific reports 9 (1), 10268, 2019
Transport of trace gases via eddy shedding from the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone and associated impacts on ozone heating rates
S Fadnavis, C Roy, R Chattopadhyay, CE Sioris, A Rap, R Müller, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (15), 11493-11506, 2018
Potential modulations of pre-monsoon aerosols during El Niņo: impact on Indian summer monsoon
S Fadnavis, C Roy, TP Sabin, DC Ayantika, K Ashok
Climate Dynamics 49, 2279-2290, 2017
Influence of enhanced Asian NOx emissions on ozone in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in chemistry–climate model simulations
C Roy, S Fadnavis, R Müller, DC Ayantika, F Ploeger, A Rap
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (2), 1297-1311, 2017
Atmospheric aerosols and trace gases
S Fadnavis, AS Mahajan, AD Choudhury, C Roy, M Singh, MS Biswas, ...
Assessment of Climate Change over the Indian Region: A Report of the …, 2020
Future PM2. 5 emissions from metal production to meet renewable energy demand
SD Rathod, TC Bond, Z Klimont, JR Pierce, N Mahowald, C Roy, ...
Environmental Research Letters 17 (4), 044043, 2022
Intense Biomass Burning Over Northern India and Its Impact on Air Quality, Chemistry and Climate
C Roy, DC Ayantika, I Girach, C Chakrabarty
Extremes in Atmospheric Processes and Phenomenon: Assessment, Impacts and …, 2022
The stratospheric ozone rich cold intrusion during El‐Niņo over the Indian region: Implication during the Indian summer monsoon
C Roy, S Fadnavis, TP Sabin
International Journal of Climatology 41, E233-E248, 2021
Air quality and health effects of a transition to ammonia–fueled shipping in Singapore
S Rathod, MR Edwards, C Roy, L Warnecke, P Rafaj, G Kiesewetter, ...
Environmental Research: Health 1 (4), 041002, 2023
NOx‐Induced Changes in Upper Tropospheric O3 During the Asian Summer Monsoon in Present‐Day and Future Climate
C Roy, SD Rathod, DC Ayantika
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (3), e2022GL101439, 2023
Estimation of stratospheric intrusions during Indian cyclones
C Roy, AR Ravishankara, PA Newman, LM David, S Fadnavis, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, e2022JD037519, 2023
Relative Stratospheric and Tropospheric Air Fractions in the Tropopause Transition Layer Using Water and Ozone Concentrations
PA Newman, L Lait, J Liu, Q Liang, C Roy, AR Ravishankara
102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2022
The stratospheric ozone rich cold intrusion during El-Niño over the Indian region: Implication during the Indian summer monsoon
STP Chaitri Roy, Suvarna Fadnavis
AGU Fall Meeting, 2020
The stratospheric ozone rich cold intrusion during El-Nino over the Indian region: implication during the Indian summer monsoon
STP Chaitri Roy, Suvarna Fadnavis
EGU General Assembly 2020, 2020
Preliminary observations and simulation of nocturnal variations of airglow temperature and emission rates at Pune (18.5° N), India
S Fadnavis, W Feng, GG Shepherd, JMC Plane, S Sonbawne, C Roy, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 149, 59-68, 2016
Variability of ozone and its precursors in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere UTLS over the Asian region
R Chaitri
Pune, 0
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Articles 1–17