Sourabh Garg
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Cited by
Comparison of microalgae cultivation in photobioreactor, open raceway pond, and a two-stage hybrid system
RR Narala, S Garg, KK Sharma, SR Thomas-Hall, M Deme, Y Li, ...
Frontiers in Energy Research 4, 29, 2016
A comparative study: the impact of different lipid extraction methods on current microalgal lipid research
Y Li, F Ghasemi Naghdi, S Garg, TC Adarme-Vega, KJ Thurecht, ...
Microbial cell factories 13, 1-9, 2014
Isolation and evaluation of oil-producing microalgae from subtropical coastal and brackish waters
DKY Lim, S Garg, M Timmins, ESB Zhang, SR Thomas-Hall, ...
PLoS One 7 (7), e40751, 2012
Critical analysis of current microalgae dewatering techniques
KK Sharma, S Garg, Y Li, A Malekizadeh, PM Schenk
Biofuels 4 (4), 397-407, 2013
Flotation of marine microalgae: effect of algal hydrophobicity
S Garg, Y Li, L Wang, PM Schenk
Bioresource technology 121, 471-474, 2012
Effective harvesting of low surface-hydrophobicity microalgae by froth flotation
S Garg, L Wang, PM Schenk
Bioresource technology 159, 437-441, 2014
Flotation separation of marine microalgae from aqueous medium
S Garg, L Wang, PM Schenk
Separation and Purification Technology 156, 636-641, 2015
The race for highly productive microalgae strains
DKY Lim, K Sharma, S Garg, PM Schenk
Biofuels 1 (6), 835-837, 2010
Effects of algal hydrophobicity and bubble size on flotation separation of microalgae from aqueous medium
S Garg, L Wang, PM Schenk
Chemeca 2013: Challenging Tomorrow, 673-677, 2013
Bioprocess engineering and downstream process optimisation of microalgae for biomass production
S Garg
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Articles 1–10