M. P. Anantram
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Cited by
Physics of carbon nanotube electronic devices
MP Anantram, F Leonard
Reports on progress in physics 69 (3), 507, 2006
Two-dimensional quantum mechanical modeling of nanotransistors
A Svizhenko, MP Anantram, TR Govindan, B Biegel, R Venugopal
Journal of Applied Physics 91 (4), 2343-2354, 2002
Band-gap change of carbon nanotubes: Effect of small uniaxial and torsional strain
L Yang, MP Anantram, J Han, JP Lu
Physical Review B 60 (19), 13874, 1999
Modeling of nanoscale devices
MP Anantram, MS Lundstrom, DE Nikonov
Proceedings of the IEEE 96 (9), 1511-1550, 2008
Electronic transport through carbon nanotubes: Effects of structural deformation and tube chirality
A Maiti, A Svizhenko, MP Anantram
Physical Review Letters 88 (12), 126805, 2002
Current fluctuations in mesoscopic systems with Andreev scattering
MP Anantram, S Datta
Physical Review B 53 (24), 16390, 1996
A polysaccharide bioprotonic field-effect transistor
C Zhong, Y Deng, AF Roudsari, A Kapetanovic, MP Anantram, M Rolandi
Nature communications 2 (1), 476, 2011
Role of scattering in nanotransistors
A Svizhenko, MP Anantram
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 50 (6), 1459-1466, 2003
Nonequilibrium green's function treatment of phonon scattering in carbon-nanotube transistors
SO Koswatta, S Hasan, MS Lundstrom, MP Anantram, DE Nikonov
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 54 (9), 2339-2351, 2007
Conductance of carbon nanotubes with disorder: A numerical study
MP Anantram, TR Govindan
Physical Review B 58 (8), 4882, 1998
Strain induced change of bandgap and effective mass in silicon nanowires
D Shiri, Y Kong, A Buin, MP Anantram
Applied Physics Letters 93 (7), 2008
A self-consistent full 3-D real-space NEGF simulator for studying nonperturbative effects in nano-MOSFETs
A Martinez, M Bescond, JR Barker, A Svizhenko, MP Anantram, C Millar, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 54 (9), 2213-2222, 2007
Core-shell silicon nanowire solar cells
MM Adachi, MP Anantram, KS Karim
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1546, 2013
Observation and modeling of single-wall carbon nanotube bend junctions
J Han, MP Anantram, RL Jaffe, J Kong, H Dai
Physical Review B 57 (23), 14983, 1998
Interbase electronic coupling for transport through DNA
H Mehrez, MP Anantram
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (11), 115405, 2005
Coupling of carbon nanotubes to metallic contacts
MP Anantram, S Datta, Y Xue
Physical review B 61 (20), 14219, 2000
Effect of scattering and contacts on current and electrostatics in carbon nanotubes
A Svizhenko, MP Anantram
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (8), 085430, 2005
H+-type and OH-type biological protonic semiconductors and complementary devices
Y Deng, E Josberger, J Jin, AF Roudsari, BA Helms, C Zhong, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2481, 2013
Optical properties of crystalline− amorphous core− shell silicon nanowires
MM Adachi, MP Anantram, KS Karim
Nano letters 10 (10), 4093-4098, 2010
Analysis of electrical-field-dependent Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and magnetocrystalline anisotropy in a two-dimensional ferromagnetic monolayer
J Liu, M Shi, J Lu, MP Anantram
Physical review b 97 (5), 054416, 2018
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Articles 1–20