Mashuq un Nabi
Mashuq un Nabi
Indian Institute of Technoloy - Delhi
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Rigid spacecraft attitude control using adaptive integral second order sliding mode
PM Tiwari, SU Janardhanan, M un Nabi
Aerospace Science and Technology 42, 50-57, 2015
Attitude control using higher order sliding mode
PM Tiwari, S Janardhanan, M un Nabi
Aerospace Science and Technology 54, 108-113, 2016
Improved FEM model for defect-shape construction from MFL signal by using genetic algorithm
KC Hari, M Nabi, SV Kulkarni
IET science, measurement & technology 1 (4), 196-200, 2007
Spacecraft anti‐unwinding attitude control using second‐order sliding mode
PM Tiwari, S Janardhanan, M un‐Nabi
Asian Journal of Control 20 (1), 455-468, 2018
Finite-time fault tolerant attitude tracking control of spacecraft using robust nonlinear disturbance observer with anti-unwinding approach
SM Amrr, M Nabi
Advances in Space Research 66 (7), 1659-1671, 2020
Re-entry trajectory optimization for space shuttle using sine-cosine algorithm
A Banerjee, M Nabi
2017 8th international conference on recent advances in space technologies …, 2017
A pseudospectral method based robust-optimal attitude control strategy for spacecraft
A Banerjee, SM Amrr, M Nabi
Advances in Space Research 64 (9), 1688-1700, 2019
A review on soft robotics: Modeling, control and applications in human-robot interaction
A Das, M Nabi
2019 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent …, 2019
An event-triggered robust attitude control of flexible spacecraft with modified rodrigues parameters under limited communication
SM Amrr, MU Nabi, A Iqbal
IEEE Access 7, 93198-93211, 2019
Enhancement of Formability of AA5052 Alloy Sheets by Electrohydraulic Forming Process
MN Meraj Ahmed, D. Ravi Kumar
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 26 (1), 439-45, 2017
Attitude control of magnetic actuated spacecraft using super-twisting algorithm with nonlinear sliding surface
S Janardhanan, M un Nabi, PM Tiwari
2012 12th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, 46-51, 2012
Rigid spacecraft attitude control using adaptive non-singular fast terminal sliding mode
PM Tiwari, S Janardhanan, M un Nabi
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 26, 115-124, 2015
Fault-tolerant attitude control of small spacecraft using robust artificial time-delay approach
SM Amrr, A Banerjee, M Nabi
IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems 1 (3), 179-187, 2020
A review of parametric model order reduction techniques
MA Bazaz, M Nabi, S Janardhanan
2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and …, 2012
A finite-time convergent continuous time sliding mode controller for spacecraft attitude control
PM Tiwari, S Janardhanan, M un Nabi
2010 11th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 399-403, 2010
Attitude stabilization of flexible spacecraft under limited communication with reinforced robustness
SM Amrr, M Nabi
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 41 (16), 4475-4487, 2019
Reduced order modeling and sliding mode control of active magnetic bearing
S Saha, SM Amrr, MU Nabi, A Iqbal
IEEE Access 7, 113324-113334, 2019
Fault‐tolerant finite‐time adaptive higher order sliding mode control with optimized parameters for attitude stabilization of spacecraft
SM Amrr, R Sarkar, A Banerjee, AS Saidi, M Nabi
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 32 (5), 2845-2863, 2022
A fault-tolerant attitude tracking control of spacecraft using an anti-unwinding robust nonlinear disturbance observer
SM Amrr, M Nabi, PM Tiwari
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2019
Finite-time adaptive higher-order SMC for the nonlinear five DOF active magnetic bearing system
S Saha, SM Amrr, AS Saidi, A Banerjee, M Nabi
Electronics 10 (11), 1333, 2021
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Articles 1–20