Rajesh Gopakumar
Rajesh Gopakumar
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)
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Text line script identification for a tri-lingual document
PK Aithal, G Rajesh, DU Acharya, NVKM Subbareddy
2010 Second International conference on Computing, Communication and …, 2010
A fast and novel skew estimation approach using radon transform
PK Aithal, G Rajesh, UD Acharya
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial …, 2013
Zone-based structural feature extraction for script identification from Indian documents
R Gopakumar, NV Subbareddy, K Makkithaya, UD Acharya
2010 5th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, 420-425, 2010
Script identification from multilingual indian documents using structural features
R Gopakumar, NV Subbareddy, K Makkithaya, DU Acharya
Journal of computing 2 (7), 106-111, 2010
A novel skew estimation approach using radon transform
PK Aithal, G Rajesh, PC Siddalingaswamy, DU Acharya
2011 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), 1-4, 2011
A review of application of computer-vision for quality grading of food products
DK Shetty, UD Acharya, N Malarout, R Gopakumar, PJ Prajual
2019 International Conference on Automation, Computational and Technology …, 2019
Multi-script line identification system for indian languages
DU Acharya, R Gopakumar, PK Aithal
Journal of Computing 2 (11), 107-111, 2010
Script identification for a Tri-lingual document
PK Aithal, G Rajesh, DU Acharya, M Krishnamoorthi, NV Subbareddy
Computer Networks and Information Technologies: Second International …, 2011
A pilot study on happiness index for higher education institutions using customized PERMA profiler and SAC index
DK Shetty, BHS Thimmappa, N Malarout, R Gopakumar
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 11 (1 Special …, 2019
MPI based edge detection of coloured image using laplacian of gaussian filter In
PK Aithal, G Rajesh, DU Acharya
International Journal of Computer Application, 277-288, 2014
Data acquisition using CAN communication protocol for static and dynamic conditions for automotive application
N Naik, GS Mounik, DK Shetty, R Gopakumar, R Bhat, VGC Sampaio
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (3), 6490-6503, 2020
Detecting the edge of multiple images in parallel
PK Aithal, UD Acharya, R Gopakumar
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 9 (7), 1642-1645, 2015
Text Line Script Identification for a Trilingual Document‖, IEEE, 2nd Intl
PK Aithal, G Rajesh, DU Acharya, KMS NV
Conf. on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, 2010
A Quantitative Study on the FaceNet System
R Gopakumar, KA Kotegar, M Vishal Anand
International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication …, 2023
Artificial Neural Network and Partial Pattern Recognition to Detect Malware
A Gautam, R Gopakumar, G Deepa
Advances in Cybernetics, Cognition, and Machine Learning for Communication …, 2020
Extracting quality relations from categorical data using modified qube algorithm
S Nanda, R Gopakumar, S Singh
2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2017
Unconstrained Face Recognition
R Gopakumar
Nucleus Segmentation from Microscopic Bone Marrow Image
Shilpa, R Gopakumar, V Acharya
Progress in Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering: Proceedings of …, 2021
Design and analysis of ugv with Rocker bogie mechanism for landmine Extraction
N Naik, CSS Kowshik, DK Shetty, R Gopakumar, N Malarout
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10 (1), 1731-1744, 2019
Predicting Trends of Stock Market using Artificial Neural Network
PK Aithal, G Shivaprasad, A Kumara, G Rajesh, DU Acharya
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Articles 1–20