Santanu Pan
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Cited by
Direct Observation of Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction from Asymmetric Spin-wave Propagation in W/CoFeB/SiO2 Heterostructures Down to Sub …
AK Chaurasiya, C Banerjee, S Pan, S Sahoo, S Choudhury, J Sinha, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 32592, 2016
Influence of thickness-dependent structural evolution on ultrafast magnetization dynamics in Heusler alloy thin films
S Pan, S Mondal, T Seki, K Takanashi, A Barman
Physical Review B 94 (18), 184417, 2016
Role of the Cr Buffer Layer in the Thickness-Dependent Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics of Heusler Alloy Thin Films
S Pan, T Seki, K Takanashi, A Barman
Physical Review Applied 7 (6), 064012, 2017
Edge localization of spin waves in antidot multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
S Pan, S Mondal, M Zelent, R Szwierz, S Pal, O Hellwig, M Krawczyk, ...
Physical Review B 101 (1), 014403, 2020
Controlled coexcitation of direct and indirect ultrafast demagnetization in Co/Pd multilayers with large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
S Pan, O Hellwig, A Barman
Physical Review B 98 (21), 214436, 2018
Ultrafast demagnetization mechanism in half-metallic Heusler alloy thin films controlled by the Fermi level
S Pan, T Seki, K Takanashi, A Barman
Physical Review B 101 (22), 224412, 2020
Anisotropic spin waves in two-dimensional triangular shaped bi-component magnonic crystal
S Choudhury, S Pan, S Barman, YC Otani, A Barman
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 490, 165484, 2019
Extrinsic spin–orbit coupling-induced large modulation of Gilbert damping coefficient in CoFeB thin film on the graphene stack with different defect density
S Sinha, S Pan, S Choudhury, J Sinha, A Barman
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (32), 17442-17449, 2017
Spin waves in periodic antidot waveguide of complex base
S Pan, JW Kłos, S Mieszczak, A Barman, M Krawczyk
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (27), 275003, 2017
Oil swollen surfactant gel based synthesis of metal oxides nanoparticles: An attractive alternative for the conventional sol gel synthesis
RK Upadhyay, S Pan, A Barman, JA McLaughlin, SS Roy
Ceramics International 42 (10), 12119-12128, 2016
Mechanism of femtosecond laser induced ultrafast demagnetization in ultrathin film magnetic multilayers
S Pan, F Ganss, S Panda, G Sellge, C Banerjee, J Sinha, O Hellwig, ...
Journal of Materials Science 57 (11), 6212-6222, 2022
All‐Optical Detection of Spin Pumping and Giant Interfacial Spin Transparency in Co2Fe0.4Mn0.6Si/Pt Heterostructure
K Dutta, SN Panda, T Seki, S Pan, K Takanashi, A Barman
Advanced Quantum Technologies 5 (7), 2200033, 2022
All-optical investigation of anisotropic spin pumping in W/CoFeB/W heterostructure
S Pan, S Choudhury, J Sinha, A Barman
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 502, 166545, 2020
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