Ilse Verdiesen
Ilse Verdiesen
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Cited by
Cited by
Accountability and control over autonomous weapon systems: a framework for comprehensive human oversight
I Verdiesen, F Santoni de Sio, V Dignum
Minds and Machines 31 (1), 137-163, 2021
Measuring moral acceptability in E-deliberation: A practical application of ethics by participation
I Verdiesen, V Dignum, JVD Hoven
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 18 (4), 1-20, 2018
MOOD: Massive Open Online Deliberation Platform-A Practical Application.
I Verdiesen, M Cligge, J Timmermans, L Segers, V Dignum, ...
EDIA@ ECAI, 4-9, 2016
Agency perception and moral values related to Autonomous Weapons: An empirical study using the Value-Sensitive Design approach
I Verdiesen
Delft University of Technology, 2017
Value elicitation on a scenario of autonomous weapon system deployment: a qualitative study based on the value deliberation process
I Verdiesen, V Dignum
AI and Ethics 3 (3), 887-900, 2023
Integrating comprehensive human oversight in drone deployment: a conceptual framework applied to the case of military surveillance drones
I Verdiesen, A Aler Tubella, V Dignum
Information 12 (9), 385, 2021
How do we ensure that we remain in control of our autonomous weapons?
I Verdiesen
AI Matters 3 (3), 47-55, 2017
The Design of Human Oversight in Autonomous Weapon Systems
I Verdiesen
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on …, 0
Moral values related to autonomous weapon systems: an empirical survey that reveals common ground for the ethical debate
I Verdiesen, FS De Sio, V Dignum
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 38 (4), 34-44, 2019
Design requirements for a moral machine for Autonomous Weapons
I Verdiesen, V Dignum, I Rahwan
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: SAFECOMP 2018 Workshops, ASSURE …, 2018
Comprehensive Human Oversight over Autonomous Weapon Systems
I Verdiesen
Delft University of Technology, 2024
Responsible AI in Military Applications
S Buijsman, FS de Sio, M Hagemeijer, D Amoroso, J Van Diggelen, ...
Springer, 2023
Comprehensive Human Oversight Framework to Ensure Accountability over Autonomous Weapon Systems
I Verdiesen
Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 917-917, 2022
Auffassungen und moralische Wertvorstellungen innerhalb der Streitkräfte und Zivilbevölkerung in Bezug auf autonome Waffensysteme
I Verdiesen
Agency Perception and Moral Values Related to Autonomous Weapons, 191-402, 2021
La perception de l’agentivite et les valeurs morales relatives aux armes autonomes
I Verdiesen
Agency Perception and Moral Values Related to Autonomous Weapons, 403-608, 2021
The design of human oversight in Autonomous Weapons
I Verdiesen
How do we ensure that we remain in control of our autonomous weapons? The Value-Sensitive Design approach can be used to investigate the conceptual, empirical and technical …
I Verdiesen
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Articles 1–17