Dr. D. Narsimhulu
Dr. D. Narsimhulu
Central University of Tami Nadu (CUTN), Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics (SAM)
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Cited by
Numerical study of shock waves in non-ideal magnetogasdynamics (MHD)
A Ramu, N Dunna, DK Satpathi
Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 24 (1), 116-124, 2016
Similarity solution of spherical shock waves-effect of viscosity
D Narsimhulu, R Addepalli, KS Dipak
Proyecciones (Antofagasta) 35 (1), 11-31, 2016
Similarity solutions to shock waves in non-ideal magnetogasdynamics
N Dunna, A Ramu, DK Satpathi
AIP Conference Proceedings 1558 (1), 860-864, 2013
Solutions for converging cylindrical and spherical shock waves in condensed matter equation of state.
R Revathi, A Ramu, D Narsimhulu
Nonlinear Studies 27 (3), 2020
Self-similar motion of strong converging cylindrical and spherical shock waves in non-ideal stellar medium
D Narsimhulu, A Ramu, D Kumar Satpathi
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 11 (6), 1717-1726, 2018
Effect of Viscosity on the Spherical Shock Wave Propagation in a Dusty Gas with Radiation Heat Flux and Exponentially Varying Density
R Revathi, D Narsimhulu, A Ramu
International Conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied, 369-381, 2021
Numerical solution to strong cylindrical shock wave in the presence of magnetic field
N Dunna, ARDK Satpathi
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 1, 2018
Investigating the impact of viscosity on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) shock waves in a mixture of non-ideal gas and line solid particles.
R Revathi, D Narsimhulu, A Ramu
Mathematics in Engineering, Science & Aerospace (MESA) 14 (4), 2023
64th CONGRESS OF ISTAM Section Code: FM 6 Solution of One dimensional Strong Converging Cylindrical and Spherical Shock Waves in Non Ideal Gas
R Ravilisetty, A Ramu, N Dunna
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Articles 1–9