Dr.V R Durai, Atmospheric Scientist
Dr.V R Durai, Atmospheric Scientist
India Meteorological Department
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Evaluation of statistical bias correction methods for numerical weather prediction model forecasts of maximum and minimum temperatures
VR Durai, R Bhradwaj
Natural Hazards 73, 1229-1254, 2014
Performance of a very high-resolution global forecast system model (GFS T1534) at 12.5 km over the Indian region during the 2016–2017 monsoon seasons
P Mukhopadhyay, VS Prasad, RPM Krishna, M Deshpande, M Ganai, ...
Journal of Earth System Science 128, 1-18, 2019
Multi‐model ensemble (MME) prediction of rainfall using neural networks during monsoon season in India
A Kumar, AK Mitra, AK Bohra, GR Iyengar, VR Durai
Meteorological Applications 19 (2), 161-169, 2012
Multi-model ensemble forecasting of rainfall over Indian monsoon region
SK Roy Bhowmik, VR Durai
Atmosfera 21 (3), 225-239, 2008
Experimental real-time multi-model ensemble (MME) prediction of rainfall during monsoon 2008: Large-scale medium-range aspects
AK Mitra, GR Iyengar, VR Durai, J Sanjay, TN Krishnamurti, A Mishra, ...
Journal of earth system science 120, 27-52, 2011
Prediction of Indian summer monsoon in short to medium range time scale with high resolution global forecast system (GFS) T574 and T382
VR Durai, SK Roy Bhowmik
Climate dynamics 42, 1527-1551, 2014
Application of multimodel ensemble techniques for real time district level rainfall forecasts in short range time scale over Indian region
SK Roy Bhowmik, VR Durai
Meteorology and atmospheric physics 106, 19-35, 2010
Forecasting quantitative rainfall over India using multi-model ensemble technique
VR Durai, R Bhardwaj
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 126, 31-48, 2014
Evaluation of Indian summer monsoon rainfall features using TRMM and KALPANA-1 satellite derived precipitation and rain gauge observation
VR Durai, SKR Bhowmik, B Mukhopadhyay
Mausam 61 (3), 317-336, 2010
Rainfall forecasting skill of GFS model at T1534 and T574 resolution over India during the monsoon season
C Sridevi, KK Singh, P Suneetha, VR Durai, A Kumar
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 132, 35-52, 2020
Development of multimodel ensemble based district level medium range rainfall forecast system for Indian region
SKR Bhowmik, VR Durai
Journal of earth system science 121, 273-285, 2012
Unraveling the mechanism of extreme (more than 30 sigma) precipitation during August 2018 and 2019 over Kerala, India
P Mukhopadhyay, P Bechtold, Y Zhu, RP Murali Krishna, S Kumar, ...
Weather and Forecasting 36 (4), 1253-1273, 2021
Performance Evaluation of precipitation prediction skill of NCEP Global Forecasting System (GFS) over Indian region during Summer Monsoon 2008
VR Durai, SKR Bhowmik, B Mukhopadhyay
Mausam 61 (2), 139-154, 2010
Location specific forecasting of maximum and minimum temperatures over India by using the statistical bias corrected output of global forecasting system
VR Durai, R Bhardwaj
Journal of Earth System Science 123 (5), 1171-1195, 2014
Improving precipitation forecasts skill over India using a multi-model ensemble technique
VR Durai, R Bhardwaj
Geofizika 30 (2), 155-172, 2013
MOS guidance using a neural network for the rainfall forecast over India
A Kumar, C Sridevi, VR Durai, KK Singh, P Mukhopadhyay, ...
Journal of Earth System Science 128, 1-12, 2019
Performance of a very high-resolution global forecast system model (GFS T1534) at 12.5 km over the Indian region during the 2016–2017 monsoon seasons, J. Earth Syst. Sci., 128, 155
P Mukhopadhyay, VS Prasad, RPM Krishna, M Deshpande, M Ganai, ...
IITM Research Report RR-146, ESSO/IITM/MM/SR/02 (2019a)/197, https://www …, 2019
Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS T1534) evaluation for tropical cyclone prediction over the North Indian Ocean
M Deshpande, R Kanase, RPM Krishna, S Tirkey, P Mukhopadhyay, ...
Mausam 72 (1), 119-128, 2021
Rainfall forecast skill of Global Forecasting System (GFS) model over India during summer monsoon 2015
C Sridevi, K Kumar Singh, P Suneetha, V Reval Durai, A Kumar
Geofizika 35 (1), 40-52, 2018
Verification of quantitative precipitation forecasts from operational ensemble prediction systems over India
Mausam 66 (3), 479-496, 2015
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Articles 1–20