Babasaheb Shinde
Babasaheb Shinde
CSMSS's CSCOE Aurangabad
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Cited by
Study on analysis of kerf width variation in WEDM of insulating zirconia
B Shinde, R Pawade
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 36 (9), 1010-1018, 2021
Study on analysis of plasma resistance variation in WEDM of insulating zirconia
P Raju, S Babasaheb
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 36 (1), 59-72, 2021
Fabrication of macro-arrayed structure using reverse EDM: a multi-objective optimization
B Nikam, B Shinde, A Pandey, R Pawade, P Brahmankar, P Jadhav
Procedia Manufacturing 20, 160-167, 2018
Sustainable Processing of Insulating Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Ceramic Using Wire Electrical Discharge Machining in Distilled Water
BD Shinde, RS Pawade
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 25 (6 …, 2024
Some Investigations into Powder Mixed Electric Discharge Machining of Metal Matrix Composite Al6061/Alumina/24P
BD Shinde, J Arab, L Amrutsagar, PK Brahmankar
International Colloquium on Materials, Manufacturing and Metrology - 2014, 2014
Machinability Assessment of Low Electrically Conductive Ceramics using Wire EDM
BD Shinde
Lonere, 0
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Articles 1–6