Thankom Arun
Thankom Arun
Essex Business School, University of Essex
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Cited by
Spillover of COVID-19: impact on the Global Economy
PK Ozili, T Arun
Managing inflation and supply chain disruptions in the global economy, 41-61, 2023
Microfinance and household poverty reduction: New evidence from India
KS Imai, T Arun, SK Annim
World development 38 (12), 1760-1774, 2010
Female directors and earnings management: Evidence from UK companies
TG Arun, YE Almahrog, ZA Aribi
International Review of Financial Analysis 39, 137-146, 2015
Corporate governance of banks in developing economies: Concepts and issues
TG Arun, J Turner
Corporate governance and development, 2009
Financial inclusion: Policies and practices
T Arun, R Kamath
IIMB Management Review 27 (4), 267-287, 2015
Corporate social responsibility and Islamic financial institutions (IFIs): Management perceptions from IFIs in Bahrain
Z Ali Aribi, T Arun
Journal of Business Ethics 129, 785-794, 2015
Regulating for development: the case of microfinance
T Arun
The quarterly review of economics and finance 45 (2-3), 346-357, 2005
The role of microfinance in asset-building and poverty reduction: The case of Sinapi Aba Trust of Ghana
JK Adjei, T Arun, F Hossain
Brooks World Poverty Institute, University of Manchester, 2009
Earnings management and corporate social responsibility: UK evidence
Y Almahrog, Z Ali Aribi, T Arun
Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting 16 (2), 311-332, 2018
The effect of career breaks on the working lives of women
SV Arun, TG Arun, VK Borooah
Feminist Economics 10 (1), 65-84, 2004
ICTs, gender and development: women in software production in Kerala
S Arun, T Arun
Journal of International Development: The Journal of the Development Studies …, 2002
Income smoothing among European systemic and non-systemic banks
OK Peterson, TG Arun
The British Accounting Review 50 (5), 539-558, 2018
Microfinance: A reader
D Hulme, T Arun
Routledge, 2009
Corporate governance and capital structure in developing countries: A case study of Bangladesh
F Haque, TG Arun, C Kirkpatrick
Applied Economics 43 (6), 673-681, 2011
Financial sector reforms in developing countries: the Indian experience
TG Arun, JD Turner
World Economy 25 (3), 429-445, 2002
Bequest motives and determinants of micro life insurance in Sri Lanka
T Arun, M Bendig, S Arun
World development 40 (8), 1700-1711, 2012
Access to financial services: The case of the'Mzansi'account in South Africa
P Kostov, T Arun, S Annim
Review of Development Finance 5 (1), 34-42, 2015
Gender diversity on boards and forward-looking information disclosure: evidence from Jordan
ZA Aribi, RM Alqatamin, T Arun
Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies 8 (2), 205-222, 2018
Corporate governance in developing economies: perspective from the banking sector in Bangladesh
M Reaz, T Arun
Journal of Banking Regulation 7, 94-105, 2006
What's wrong and right with microfinance
D Hulme, T Arun
Economic and Political Weekly, 23-26, 2011
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Articles 1–20