Joyeeta Singh Chakraborty
Joyeeta Singh Chakraborty
Forest Research Institute, India
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Cited by
Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 in deciduous pine forest of lower western Himalaya
N Singh, BR Parida, JS Charakborty, NR Patel
Resources 8 (2), 98, 2019
Climate-driven acceleration in forest evapotranspiration fuelling extreme rainfall events in the Himalaya
N Singh, J Singh, AK Gupta, A Bräuning, AP Dimri, AL Ramanathan, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (8), 084042, 2021
Future Food Sustainability Can Be Traced Back into Local People’s Socio-Cultural Roots in Uttarakhand Himalaya, India
JS Chakraborty, BR Parida, N Singh
Sustainability 13 (13), 7060, 2021
Abundance, population density and spatial ecology of mound-building termites in moist tropical deciduous forests of northern India
JS Chakraborty, S Singh
Écoscience 27 (3), 2020
Carbon exchange in some invasive species in the Himalayan foothills
N Singh, NR Patel, J Singh, P Raja, P Soni, JS Parihar
Tropical Ecology 57 (2), 263-270, 2016
Methane and carbon dioxide flux heterogeneity mediated by termite mounds in moist tropical forest soils of Himalayan foothills, India
JS Chakraborty, S Singh, N Singh, V Jeeva
Ecosystems, 1-16, 2021
Status of Tree species regeneration with special reference to the role of termite mounds in a moist deciduous Sal Forest of Doon Valley
JS Chakraborty, N Ram, V Jeeva, S Singh
Indian For 143 (2), 128-134, 2017
Impact of mound building termites on vegetation patterns soil carbon storage methane and carbon dioxide emission in a forest ecosystem of Doon valley India
J Singh
Dehradun, 2017
The report of participation in the workshop: 'Ecosystem carbon/water cycling research in the changing climate', 23-25 April, NIES, Tsukuba, Japan
N Singh, J Singh
AsiaFlux Newsletter 39 (0), 10-12, 2016
Termite mound induced fine scale variation in herbaceous community in a Sal forest of Doon valley
JS Chakraborty, V Jeeva, N Ram, S Singh
eJournal of Applied Forest Ecology 4 (1), 22-29, 2016
Termites as ecosystem engineers: A closer review on global vs. Indian perspective.
JS Chakraborty, V Jeeva, S Singh, N Ram
eJournal of Applied Forest Ecology 4 (2), 9-20, 2016
Termite mounds influence the ecological status of threatened medicinal plants in a Sal forest of Doon valley, Uttrakhand
Joyeeta, V Jeeva, N Ram, S Singh, V Mohan
Biodiversity Conservation: Aspects and Prospects, 220-229, 2015
Diversity of termite fauna in Dehradun district of Uttarakhand with reference to various ecological aspects
Joyeeta, V Jeeva, S Singh, N Ram
Biodiversity and Environment, 153-162, 2014
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Articles 1–13