Karvannan Harikesavan
Karvannan Harikesavan
Head & Associate professor
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Study of nurses’ knowledge about palliative care: a quantitative cross-sectional survey
V Prem, H Karvannan, SP Kumar, S Karthikbabu, N Syed, V Sisodia, ...
Indian journal of palliative care 18 (2), 122, 2012
Attitudes and beliefs about chronic pain among nurses–biomedical or behavioral? A cross-sectional survey
V Prem, H Karvannan, RD Chakravarthy, B Binukumar, S Jaykumar, ...
Indian Journal of Palliative Care 17 (3), 227, 2011
Plantar pressure distribution among asymptomatic individuals: a cross-sectional study
N Syed, H Karvannan, AG Maiya, B Binukumar, V Prem, RD Chakravarty
Foot & Ankle Specialist 5 (2), 102-106, 2012
Influence of early mobilization program on pain, self-reported and performance based functional measures following total knee replacement
K Harikesavan, RD Chakravarty, AG Maiya
Journal of clinical orthopaedics and trauma 10 (2), 340-344, 2019
Hip abductor strengthening improves physical function following total knee replacement: One-year follow-up of a randomized pilot study
K Harikesavan, RD Chakravarty, AG Maiya, SP Hegde, SY Shivanna
The open rheumatology journal 11, 30, 2017
Effects of movement impairment based treatment in the management of mechanical neck pain
TM Ashwini, H Karvannan, V Prem
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 22 (2), 534-539, 2018
Effect of neuromuscular training on functional throwing performance and speed in asymptomatic cricket players
SAH Abbas, H Karvannan, V Prem
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 23 (3), 502-507, 2019
Effectiveness of fascial manipulation on pain and disability in musculoskeletal conditions. A systematic review
K Arumugam, K Harikesavan
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 25, 230-239, 2021
The effect of bio psychosocial model of rehabilitation on pain and quality of life after total knee replacement: A randomized controlled trial
S Bhatia, H Karvannan, V Prem
Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery 7 (4), 177-183, 2020
Integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique reduces pain intensity on upper trapezius myofascial trigger point
VK Singh, V Prem, H Karvanan
Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Journal 7 (1), 11, 2014
Efficacy of deep transverse friction massage on supraspinatus tendinitis–A randomized pilot trial study
H Karvannan, RD Chakravarty, V Prem
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 3 (9), 89-95, 2000
Comparison of Neuromuscular Joint Facilitation and Quadriceps Strengthening Exercise in Knee Osteoarthritis: a Randomized Controlled Trial
S Lall, V Prem, H Karvannan
International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork 16 (3), 10, 2023
Effectiveness of behavior graded activity on exercise adherence and physical activity in hip and knee osteoarthritis–A systematic review
H Karvannan, AG Maiya, RD Chakravarty, V Prem, S Nafeez, ...
Indian Journal of Rheumatology 7 (3), 141-146, 2012
Comparison of Yoga with exercise in ankylosing spondylitis on mobility and functional capacity
NN Acharya, P Venkatesan, H Karvannan, D Balebail Gopalakrishna
International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 27 (6), e15223, 2024
Effect of Functional Scapular Stabilization Training on Function and Pain in Frozen Shoulder Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial
S Karnawat, K Harikesavan, P Venkatesan
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 46 (2), 86-97, 2023
Scapular taping improves functional throwing performance among normative young adults: a randomized crossover trial
G Saxena, P Venkatesan, K Harikesavan
Journal of Musculoskeletal Research 23 (01), 2050003, 2020
Influence of Hip muscle motor control training on pain and function post total hip replacement
J Joyal, K Harikesavan, P Venkatesan
Ann Med Health Sci Res 7, 96-100, 2017
Normative value for the unsupported upper limb exercise test in asymptomatic individuals: A cross-sectional study
V Prem, RD Chakravarty, H Karvannan, S Karthikbabu, N Syed
Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Journal 5 (1), 35-38, 2012
Six minute walk distance in healthy adults aged between 20-30 years.
RD Chakravarty, V Arya
International Journal of Current Research and Review 3 (11), 78-83, 2011
Immediate effects of thoracic postural correction taping on sensorimotor and respiratory functions in healthy office workers with forward head posture-A randomized controlled …
M Gulati, K Harikesavan, P Venkatesan
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 2025
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Articles 1–20