Dr.Mallikarjun Hangarge
Dr.Mallikarjun Hangarge
Karnatak Arts, Science and Commerce College, Bidar
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Cited by
Skew detection in binary image documents based on image dilation and region labeling approach
BV Dhandra, VS Malemath, H Mallikarjun, R Hegadi
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 2, 954-957, 2006
Analysis of abnormality in endoscopic images using combined HSI color space and watershed segmentation
BV Dhandra, R Hegadi, M Hangarge, VS Malemath
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 4, 695-698, 2006
Directional discrete cosine transform for handwritten script identification
M Hangarge, KC Santosh, R Pardeshi
2013 12th international conference on document analysis and recognition, 344-348, 2013
Offline handwritten script identification in document images
M Hangarge, BV Dhandra
International Journal of Computer Applications 4 (6), 6-10, 2010
Recognition of isolated handwritten Kannada numerals based on image fusion method
GG Rajput, M Hangarge
Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence: Second International …, 2007
Script identification based on morphological reconstruction in document images
BV Dhandra, P Nagabhushan, M Hangarge, R Hegadi, VS Malemath
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 2, 950-953, 2006
Automatic handwritten Indian scripts identification
R Pardeshi, BB Chaudhuri, M Hangarge, KC Santosh
2014 14th international conference on frontiers in handwriting recognition …, 2014
Kannada, Telugu and Devanagari handwritten numeral recognition with probabilistic neural network: a novel approach
BV Dhandra, RG Benne, M Hangarge
International Journal of Computer Applications 26 (9), 83-88, 2010
Spatial features for handwritten Kannada and English character recognition
BV Dhandra, M Hangarge, G Mukarambi
Special Issue on RTIPPR-10, International Journal of Computer Applications …, 2010
A survey on deformable model and its applications to medical imaging
R Hegadi, A Kop, M Hangarge
IJCA Special Issue on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern …, 2010
Global and local features based handwritten text words and numerals script identification
BV Dhandra, M Hangarge
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia …, 2007
Word level script identification in bilingual documents through discriminating features
BV Dhandra, M Hangarge, R Hegadi, VS Malemath
2007 International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and …, 2007
Statistical texture features based handwritten and printed text classification in south indian documents
M Hangarge, KC Santosh, S Doddamani, R Pardeshi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1303.3087, 2013
Word-wise script identification from bilingual documents based on morphological reconstruction
BV Dhandra, H Mallikarjun, R Hegadi, VS Malemath
2006 1st International Conference on Digital Information Management, 389-394, 2006
On Separation of English Numerals from Multilingual Document Images.
BV Dhandra, M Hangarge
Journal of multimedia 2 (6), 2007
Zone based features for handwritten and printed mixed Kannada digits recognition
BV Dhandra, G Mukarambi, M Hangarge
IJCA Proceedings on International Conference on VLSI, Communications and …, 2011
Multi-font Numeral recognition without Thinning based on Directional Density of pixels
BV Dhandra, VS Malemath, H Mallikarjun, R Hegadi
2006 1st International Conference on Digital Information Management, 157-160, 2006
Fungi affected fruit leaf disease classification using deep CNN architecture
SS Gaikwad, SS Rumma, M Hangarge
International Journal of Information Technology 14 (7), 3815-3824, 2022
Fungi classification using convolution neural network
SS Gaikwad
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12 (10 …, 2021
Haralick Feature Descriptors for Gender Classification Using Fingerprints: A Machine Learning Approach
KRRP SS Gornale, M Hangarge
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software …, 2015
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Articles 1–20