Prof (Dr.) Mohammad Ubaidullah Bokhari
Prof (Dr.) Mohammad Ubaidullah Bokhari
Chairman, Department of Computer Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
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Cited by
A review on symmetric key encryption techniques in cryptography
MU Bokhari, QM Shallal
International journal of computer applications 147 (10), 2016
Cloud computing service models: A comparative study
MU Bokhari, QM Shallal, YK Tamandani
2016 3rd international conference on computing for sustainable global …, 2016
The exponentiated Weibull software reliability growth model with various testing‐efforts and optimal release policy: A performance analysis
N Ahmad, MU Bokhari, SMK Quadri, MGM Khan
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 25 (2), 211-235, 2008
A survey on cloud computing
MU Bokhari, Q Makki, YK Tamandani
Big data analytics: proceedings of CSI 2015, 149-164, 2018
SEPFL routing protocol based on fuzzy logic control to extend the lifetime and throughput of the wireless sensor network
YK Tamandani, MU Bokhari
Wireless networks 22, 647-653, 2016
Analysis of a software reliability growth models: the case of log-logistic test-effort function
MU Bokhari, N Ahmad
Proceedings of the 17th IASTED international conference on modeling and …, 2006
Metrics for requirements engineering and automated requirements tools
MU Bokhari, ST Siddiqui
Proceedings of the 5th National Conference, 10-11, 2011
A New Approach to Multi Agent Based Architecture for Secure and Effective E-learning
S Ahmad, MU Bokhari
International Journal of Computer Applications 46 (22), 26-29, 2012
Overview of cloud-based learning management system
HF Aldheleai, MU Bokhari, A Alammari
International Journal of Computer Applications 162 (11), 2017
A review of clustering algorithms as applied in MANETs
DM Bokhari, HSA Hamatta, ST Siddigui
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software …, 2012
An analysis of linear feedback shift registers in stream ciphers
F Masoodi, S Alam, MU Bokhari
International Journal of Computer Applications 46 (17), 46-49, 2012
Cryptanalysis techniques for stream cipher: a survey
MU Bokhari, S Alam, FS Masoodi
International Journal of Computer Applications 60 (9), 2012
Security and privacy issues in cloud computing
MU Bokhari, QM Shallal, YK Tamandani
2016 3rd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global …, 2016
Software reliability growth modeling for exponentiated Weibull function with actual software failures data
MU Bokhari, N Ahmad
Innovative Applications Of Information Technology For The Developing World …, 2007
Reducing the required time and power for data encryption and decryption using K-NN machine learning
MU Bokhari, QM Shallal, YK Tamandani
IETE Journal of Research 65 (2), 227-235, 2019
Two-step fuzzy logic system to achieve energy efficiency and prolonging the lifetime of WSNs
YK Tamandani, MU Bokhari, QM Shallal
Wireless Networks 23, 1889-1899, 2017
A Detailed Analysis of Grain family of Stream Ciphers.
MU Bokhari, S Alam, SH Hasan
International Journal of Computer Network & Information Security 6 (6), 2014
Multimodal information retrieval: Challenges and future trends
MU Bokhari, F Hasan
International Journal of Computer Applications 74 (14), 2013
Modern tools and technologies for interactive learning
MU Bokhari, S Ahmad, S Alam, F Masoodi
environment 13 (15), 17-18, 2011
Hybrid computational modeling for web application security assessment
AH Seh, JF Al-Amri, AF Subahi, MTJ Ansari, R Kumar, MU Bokhari, ...
CMC-Comput., Mater. Continua 70 (1), 469-489, 2022
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Articles 1–20