Dr. Praveen Kumar P U
Dr. Praveen Kumar P U
Principal Engineer, Valeo
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Cited by
An image based technique for enhancement of underwater images
CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1212.0291, 2012
Underwater image denoising using adaptive wavelet subband thresholding
CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar
Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP), 2010 International Conference on, 322-327, 2010
Complete local binary pattern for representation of facial expression based on curvelet transform
S Nagaraja, CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar
International Conference on Multimedia Processing, Communication and …, 2013
3D surface reconstruction of underwater objects
CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.2082, 2012
Parallax Effect Free Mosaicing of Underwater Video sequence based on Texture Features
S Nagaraja, CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar
Signal & Image Processing 5 (5), 13, 2014
Surface defect detection and grading of apples
SH Mohana, CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar
Proceedings of the international conference on multimedia processing …, 2013
LBP-SURF descriptor with color invariant and texture based features for underwater images
CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar
Proceedings of the eighth Indian conference on computer vision, graphics and …, 2012
Reconstruction of sparse-view tomography via preconditioned Radon sensing matrix
P Theeda, PU Praveen Kumar, CS Sastry, PV Jampana
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 59 (1-2), 285-303, 2019
Extraction of Texture Based Features of Underwater Images Using RLBP Descriptor
S Nagaraja, CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent …, 2015
Feature tracking of objects in underwater video sequences
CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar
ACEEE Int. J. Inf. Technol 2 (1), 42-46, 2012
Reconstruction of Sparse-View Tomography via Banded Matrices
T Prasad, PU Praveen Kumar, CS Sastry, PV Jampana
International Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image processing …, 2017
Color Invariant Feature Detection and Matching in Underwater Stereo Images
CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image …, 2013
Origami Foldaway Support for Beginners using Image Processing
L Gayathri, PU Praveen Kumar
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 7 (2.21), 217-221, 2018
Stereo correspondence for underwater images using adaptive weight-based cross-correlation
PU Praveen Kumar, CJ Prabhakar
Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2013 …, 2013
Stereo Correspondence for Underwater Video Sequence Using Graph Cuts
CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar
Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent …, 2013
3D Reconstruction of Underwater Natural Scenes and Objects Using Stereo Vision
CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar, PS Hiremath
3-D Surface Geometry and Reconstruction: Developing Concepts and …, 2012
Identification of Ambulance in Traffic Videos Using Image Processing Techniques
PR Karthik Raj, PU Praveen Kumar
Hybrid Scheme Image Compression using DWT and SVD
T Thinley, PU Praveen Kumar
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 225-233, 2018
Image Enhancement and Restoration Methods for Underwater Images
CJ Prabhakar, PU Praveen Kumar
Computer Vision: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 2211-2232, 2018
Optimization of Low-Dose Tomography via Binary Sensing Matrices
T Prasad, PU Praveen Kumar, CS Sastry, PV Jampana
International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, 337-351, 2015
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Articles 1–20