Eranda Hewage
Eranda Hewage
Immatics N.V.
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Cited by
Perinatal bisphenol A exposure induces chronic inflammation in rabbit offspring via modulation of gut bacteria and their metabolites
L Reddivari, DNR Veeramachaneni, WA Walters, C Lozupone, J Palmer, ...
MSystems 2 (5), 10.1128/msystems. 00093-17, 2017
In vitro antimicrobial inhibition of Mycoplasma bovis isolates submitted to the Pennsylvania Animal Diagnostic Laboratory using flow cytometry and a broth microdilution method
JBM Soehnlen MK, Kunze ME, Karunathilake KE, Henwood BM, Kariyawasam S ...
J Vet Diagn Invest, 2011
Complete nucleotide sequence of pRS218, a large virulence plasmid, that augments pathogenic potential of meningitis-associated Escherichia coli strain RS218
KS Wijetunge DS, Karunathilake KH, Chaudhari A, Katani R, Dudley EG, Kapur V ...
BMC Microbiology, 2014
Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) suppresses cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in human colon cancer stem cells independent of p53 status via suppression …
R Vadde, S Radhakrishnan, HEK Kurundu, L Reddivari, JKP Vanamala
Journal of Functional Foods 25, 267-278, 2016
Growth in Egg Yolk Enhances Salmonella Enteritidis Colonization and Virulence in a Mouse Model of Human Colitis
KS Moreau MR, Wijetunge DS, Bailey ML, Gongati SR, Goodfield LL, Hewage EM ...
PLoS One, 2016
An electrochemical biosensor for rapid detection of pediatric bloodstream infections
EMK Kurundu Hewage, D Spear, TM Umstead, S Hu, M Wang, PK Wong, ...
SLAS TECHNOLOGY: Translating Life Sciences Innovation 22 (6), 616-625, 2017
Pro-apoptotic activity against cancer stem cells differs between different parts of sweet sorghum
JKPV Aaron R. Masseya, Lavanya Reddivarib, Sridhar Radhakrishnan, Venkata ...
Journal of Functional Foods 23, 2016
Genome Sequences of Two Strains of Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis Isolated from Shell Eggs
KS Moreau MR, Wijetunge DS, Kurundu Hewage EM, Jayarao BM
Comparative Patho-Genomics of Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis Reveal Potential Host-Specific Virulence Factors
MR Moreau, LK Edison, YV Ivanov, DSS Wijetunge, EMKK Hewage, ...
Pathogens 14 (2), 128, 2025
Genome Sequence of Avian Pathogenic Escherichia Coli LPO2 Causing Peritonitis in Chicken
EMKK Hewage
Pennsylvania State University, 2014
Salmonella enterica Enteritidis Displays Enhanced Virulence and Colonization in Mice After Growth in Egg Yolk
MR Moreau, ML Bailey, SR Gongati, DS Wijetunge, EMKK Hewage, ...
Complete Sequencing and Pan-Genome Analysis of Two Distinct Salmonella enterica Enteritidis Egg Isolates Show Equal Virulence Potential
MR Moreau, YV Ivanov, DS Wijetunge, EMKK Hewage, BM Jayarao, ...
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Articles 1–12