Tracy Ross
Tracy Ross
Senior Research Fellow, School of Design & Creative Arts, Loughborough University
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Pedestrian navigation aids: information requirements and design implications
AJ May, T Ross, SH Bayer, MJ Tarkiainen
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7 (6), 331-338, 2003
Empirical investigation of the impact of using co-design methods when generating proposals for sustainable travel solutions
V Mitchell, T Ross, A May, R Sims, C Parker
CoDesign 12 (4), 205-220, 2016
The use of landmarks in pedestrian navigation instructions and the effects of context
T Ross, A May, S Thompson
International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction, 300-304, 2004
Evaluating the human–machine interface to vehicle navigation systems as an example of ubiquitous computing
T Ross, G Burnett
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 55 (4), 661-674, 2001
Switch the channel: using cultural codes for designing and positioning sustainable products and services for mainstream audiences
L Santamaria, C Escobar-Tello, T Ross
Journal of Cleaner Production 123, 16-27, 2016
Switch the Channel: using cultural codes for designing and positioning sustainable products and services for mainstream audiences
L Santamaria, C Escobar-Tello, T Ross
Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures 123, 16-27, 2015
Bottom-up grassroots innovation in transport: motivations, barriers and enablers
T Ross, VA Mitchell, AJ May
Transportation Planning and Technology 35 (4), 469-489, 2012
Presence and quality of navigational landmarks: effect on driver performance and implications for design
AJ May, T Ross
Human factors 48 (2), 346-361, 2006
The design of next generation in-vehicle navigation systems for the older driver
A May, T Ross, Z Osman
Interacting with computers 17 (6), 643-659, 2005
The design of civic technology: factors that influence public participation and impact
A May, T Ross
Ergonomics 61 (2), 214-225, 2018
HARDIE design guidelines handbook
T Ross, K Midtland, M Fuchs, A Pauzié, A Engert, B Duncan, G Vaughan, ...
Human Factors Guidelines for Information Presentation by ATT Systems 530, 1996
Drivers' information requirements when navigating in an urban environment
AJ May, T Ross, SH Bayer
The journal of navigation 56 (1), 89-100, 2003
Incorporating landmarks in driver navigation system design: An overview of results from the REGIONAL project
AJ May, T Ross, SH Bayer
The Journal of Navigation 58 (1), 47-65, 2005
Evaluating a concept design of a crowd-sourced ‘mashup’providing ease-of-access information for people with limited mobility
A May, CJ Parker, N Taylor, T Ross
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 49, 103-113, 2014
The personal and contextual factors that affect customer experience during rail service failures and the implications for service design
T Ross, A May, SA Cockbill
Applied ergonomics 86, 103096, 2020
A survey of ‘young social’and ‘professional’users of location-based services in the UK
A May, SH Bayer, T Ross
Journal of location based services 1 (2), 112-132, 2007
Co-driver alert project
R McMurran, F McKinney, J Hayden, M Fowkes, M Szczygiel, T Ross, ...
IET Digital Library, 2008
Using traffic light information as navigational cues: implications for navigation system design
T Ross, AJ May, PJ Grimsley
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 7 (2), 119-134, 2004
Design guidelines for route guidance systems: Development process and an empirical example for timing of guidance instructions
T Ross, G Vaughan, C Nicolle
Ergonomics and safety of intelligent driver interfaces, 139-152, 1997
User reaction to car share and lift share within a transport ‘marketplace’
A May, T Ross, J Grebert, G Segarra
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 2 (1), 47-60, 2008
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